
Possible problem with DPX 10 Bit little endian RGB outputs

  • Steve Dabner

    Steve Dabner - 2015-01-09


    I have been writing 10 bit RGB DPX files. I seem to get a problem byte when I use little endian outputs. I had a quick look in the code in file dpx.c. The data is written using a macro LSBPackedU32WordToOctets at line 2832.

    It looks to me as if the third byte to be written has a shift of 18 bits when it should be a shift of 16 bits but perhaps I have missed a trick?

    Many Thanks in advance

    • Bob Friesenhahn

      Bob Friesenhahn - 2015-01-09

      On Fri, 9 Jan 2015, Steve Dabner wrote:

      I have been writing 10 bit RGB DPX files. I seem to get a problem byte when I use little endian outputs. I had a quick
      look in the code in file dpx.c. The data is written using a macro LSBPackedU32WordToOctets at line 2832.

      It looks to me as if the third byte to be written has a shift of 18 bits when it should be a shift of 16 bits but
      perhaps I have missed a trick?

      That looks like a typo to me. I wonder how it could not be detected
      up until now (> 9 years!)?


      Bob Friesenhahn,
      GraphicsMagick Maintainer,


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