
image screen display

  • xentrica

    xentrica - 2016-01-30

    I want migrating an existing project to c++, I am new to the language and want to know if GraphicsMagick is a good choice to get there. I need to display a very wide tiff image, be able to scroll the image, and anotate on a layer above. I have read that GMs strength is manipulation, not display. How would I do this if possible?

  • Glenn Randers-Pehrson

    Have you tried it? Just type "gm display file.tiff" and use the pan/scroll icon.

    • xentrica

      xentrica - 2016-01-30

      This is command line. How to do this in c++ project?

      • Bob Friesenhahn

        Bob Friesenhahn - 2016-01-30

        On Sat, 30 Jan 2016, xentrica wrote:

        This is command line. How to do this in c++ project?

        If you are using X11, it is possible to display a Magick++ Image using
        the display() method. What you get is the same as if you did:

           gm convert file.png x:

        You will find that there is a pop-up menu which responds to mouse
        buttons (and the middle button brings up a magnifier window), but most
        of the features of 'gm display' are intentionally removed.

        For a more sophisticated solution, you may want to use a C++ widget
        toolkit (e.g, Qt, WxWidgets, or Windows MFC) and convert Magick++
        Image into the form used by the toolkit. This is likely less
        efficient but allows you to integrate the images into your own GUI.


        Bob Friesenhahn,
        GraphicsMagick Maintainer,


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