
GradeL / News: Recent posts

Blog Correction

Well, I'm having no luck with the SourceForge News interface today. The actual new address for the blog is:

Posted by A. Murphy 2009-11-22

Blog Corre:tion

The new address for the blog is

Posted by A. Murphy 2009-11-22

Blog Changed

The GradeL development blog has been moved to

Please update your links.

Posted by A. Murphy 2009-11-22

News changed to blog

I will no longer be using this news feature to announce information about the GradeL program. Please refer to the new development blog for current news at The news feed link is

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-07-12

GradeL 0.8.2 Released!

GradeL 0.8.2 has been released. This version fixes several critical bugs and adds/improves some features as well. See the ChangeLog for details.

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-07-12

New development Blog

I've started a blog for chronicling GradeL development. Check it out

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-06-22

0.8.1 Download Fixed.

The 0.8.1 download now contains the patch to correct the bug mentioned in the previous announcement. If you downloaded prior to 1:47pm EST, please download again.

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-06-16

0.8.1 Patch

The recently released version 0.8.1 has a critical bug when creating a new class from the toolbar or file menu. A patch is <a href="">availabe here</a>.

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-06-16

GradeL 0.8.1 Released!

I'm happy to announce that GradeL 0.8.1 has been released. This release includes many bug fixes and several feature enhancements, including support for a customizable number of semesters and marking periods per semester. see the changeLog for further details.

These changes required quite a bit of change in the code, so there may be bugs that i did not catch. This is a good version to try ot on old data over the summer. Hopefully, if there are any bugs, we can squash them before fall. Please report any issues to the forum or via email.... read more

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-06-16

GradeL 0.7.6 Released!

Many bug fixes and a few improvements and refinements highlight the release of GradeL 0.7.6, which is available for immediate download. GradeL users are encouraged to upgrade to this new version. Reports of bugs or feature requests are welcome!

See the ChangeLog below for release details:

gradel-0.7.6 (beta?) - 18 May 2007
Bug Fixes:
- Problems with importing fixed.
- File Open now correctly opens a file with comments but no class days.
- Corrected error in how marking periods menus were checked.
- Prevent multiple attendance with same date.
- Spreadsheet report horizontal lines now proper length.
- Double click date header of attendance to edit now correctly handled.
- Default Class Summary and Progress Reports to Portrait
- Add Student Form button label fix.... read more

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-05-19

More bugs found and killed

I have found several major bugs and fixed them. These include problems with importing data, opening saved GradeL files, and menu check marks. There will be a release soon to address these issues.

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-05-17

GradeL 0.7.5 Released

After quite a wait, a new version of GradeL has been released. This version corrects several bugs and adds some minor features. Feel free to try it out and report any issues. The ChangeLog is list here:

gradel-0.7.5 (beta?) - 25 Mar 2007
Bug Fixes:
- Unnecessary PRINT statements removed from code.
- Dropped students' comments now correctly save and open from file.
- Fixed crash with Single Student report.... read more

Posted by A. Murphy 2007-03-25

Patch for 0.7.4

t figures that just after 0.7.4 is released, I discover yet another bug in the program. The program does not properly handle comments for dropped students. While GradeL does not crash, comment data for dropped students is not saved and therefore lost upon closing the program. Grade information is not lost. I'll post a patch to file GClass.class on the website

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-11-26

GradeL 0.7.4 Released

In addition to several bug fixes, this version supports student comments and can also export data to Online Grades (

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-11-25

Patch for 0.7.3

A bug has been corrected that will crash GradeL as you are adding assignments. A patch is available from the GradeL website at .

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-11-18

Gradel 0.7.3 Released

This version implements two grading modes, Straight Points and Weighted Categories. I've also tried a new approach to resizing the the Gradel Window. Finally, I've added a report that displays the class distribution for a marking period. The data is just displayed in raw form, a graphical display may be in the works.

Try this version out and report any bugs. I'd like to complete the feature set soon and get to the beta tesing level soon, eventually releasing a mature/stable version 1.0.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-11-17

GradeL 0.7.2 Released

This version fixes a bug in the way grading scales were handled that caused GradeL to crash. It also corrected the display of a label in the Edit Student dialog window.

Please report other bugs that you may encounter.


Posted by A. Murphy 2006-10-28

GradeL 0.7.1 Releaased!

While development has slowed, things are still moving forward. This release inculdes attendance monitoring. It should open files from older versions, so your data is still usable, however it is recommended that you make backup copies of all class files. Please submit bugs to the developer.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-09-11

Development continues

Currently working out the bugs in the Attendance tracking feature. No release date set. New article added to online manual ( on importing data. Nothing fancy, just a short and sweet explanation.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-08-01

Patch for 0.6.1

A patch for 0.6.1 is available at the website

The file fixes the bad Edit Code dialog.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-04-08

GradeL 0.6.1 Released!

This version includes a seating chart generator and report. It also includes some minor enhancements to the GUI and a few bug fixes.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-04-07

GradeL 0.5.2 Released!

Version 0.5.2 of GradeL has been released. This version includes some bug fixes and the addition of a printable spreadsheet report for a marking period.

The next big feature updates will be improved help and attendance.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-03-31

GradeL 0.5.1 Released!

This version runs on Gambas 1.0.xx and includes many bug fixes and improved features. Download it and give it a try.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-03-27

Next release will run on Gambas 1.0.XX

I'm happy to report that I have corrected issues that my code had with Gambas. This means that the next release of GradeL will no require Gambas2. It will run on Gambas 1.0.xx (currently 1.0.15).

Stay tuned...

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-03-25

GradeL 0.4.4 released!

Just one day after the initial release, GradeL 0.4.4 includes a major bug fix and many feature improvements. The most noteable improvements are added printing capability for individual student report and class progress reports.

There is still much to do, but this one is quite functional.

Posted by A. Murphy 2006-03-25