

Borut Ražem

GNU PIC Utilities Wiki

gputils is a collection of tools for Microchip PIC microcontrollers. Its goal is to be fully compatible with Microchip's tools, MPASM, MPLINK, and MPLIB.

Project administrators:

Project Admins:

General Documentation

Source Code Architecture

Development Planning


Wiki: Fostering Innovation
Wiki: Gpasm Parser
Wiki: HOWTO Create gputils WIN32 setup package
Wiki: HOWTO add a new processor
Wiki: Regression Tests
Wiki: Release Plan


  • Jim Daldry

    Jim Daldry - 2013-03-05

    In the assembly manual for the Blue Room Electronics Junebug Pickit 2 clone there's a test file to assemble and run on the included PIC18F1320. It assembles and runs fine using MPLAB 8.8 and 8.4 and MPLABX 1.4, but throws 6 "missing argument" errors when assembled with gpasm. The Junebug manual with test file can be downloaded from several sources on the interwebs.

  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2013-03-07

    Hi Jim Daldry,

    thanks for the report!

    Gputils wiki is not the correct place to report bugs, so I resubmitted it to the gputils bug trecker at

    Bug is fixed in svn revision #940.


  • Jim Daldry

    Jim Daldry - 2013-03-07

    On 03/07/2013 05:49 AM, "Borut Raz(em" wrote:

    Hi Jim Daldry,

    thanks for the report!

    Gputils wiki is not the correct place to report bugs, so I resubmitted
    it to the gputils bug trecker at

    Bug is fixed in svn revision #940.


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    Hi, Borut

    Just clawed out everthing "gp" related (other than gpg), downloaded the
    tar.gz package dated 12/31/12, ./configure, make, sudo make install.
    Same results. Next? I've attached the source file and the terminal
    output. Again, this file assembles normally in MPLAB and the resultant
    hex file runs on the device.


  • Jim Daldry

    Jim Daldry - 2013-03-07

    On 03/07/2013 05:49 AM, "Borut Raz(em" wrote:

    Hi Jim Daldry,

    thanks for the report!

    Gputils wiki is not the correct place to report bugs, so I resubmitted
    it to the gputils bug trecker at

    Bug is fixed in svn revision #940.


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    Thanks, Borut

    I'll go check it out.



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