
HTC Touch Pro (issue with external GPS connec

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-16

    I use GPSmid starting with verision 0.6.x, on Nokia 6303 phone, connected with Nokia LD-4W BT GPS receiver and I don't have any complain. It works very fine and it is very useful.

    Now, I have a HTC Touch Pro phone, with Windows Mobile 6.1 and internal A-GPS (Assisted GPS) and I wish to use GPSmid on this phone. I install the midlet and the application opens without problems but I can't connect with the external GPS receiver (LD-4W).

    The phone discovers GPS the receiver and the serial port service. Also, when I select this service, the blue LED for bluetooth connection on the GPS flahses.

    In GPSmid I selected, in Location Receiver, the input from Bluetooth (NMEA), but the GPS discover fails. I the phone settings, the GPS device is registered, with Serial Port service. I try almost all COM ports but without any positive result.

    Anyone can help me with an idea? The application is great and I would be sorry if I can not use it on a higher level phone.

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-17

    In addition to those written above, I must say that I checked the connectivity between the phone and the GPS receiver with another application and it works. I installed GPSed application, version for Windows Mobile and I connected the GPS receiver on port COM9, configured before in the phone bluetooth settings.

  • sk750

    sk750 - 2011-03-17

    If it's COM9 and you know the URL notation for COM9 on HTC you can try entering the URL manually via the menu in GpsMid's location receiver setup.

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-17

    Thank you for your hint, but I really don't know what means the "URL notation". Can you help me with this definition? On the other hand, where should be entered this URL in GPSmid location receiver setup? In Menu/Select Directory? In this case, I suppose that the URL it is a path to the Windows drivers and files related with the COM ports, it's that correct?

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-17

    Well, I think I found the "Enter URL" option ! It become available when I try to start the Discovery service. But, remain a question for me what it means "URL notation".

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-18

    I read the links and the most appropriate URL notation seems to be comm:COMx;baudrate=4800. So, first I try with x=9 and the only change was that in the Location Receiver the GPS status became <Discovered> instead <Discovery>. But, when I try to Start GPS, I received the error message

    Trace thread crashed with error

    comm:COM9; baudrate=4800

    Then, I use GPS proxy, in order to be sure that the phone is connected with the GPS device. I choose the COM9 for direct connection with the GPS and all NMEA data to be forwarded to a virtual port, COM4. After I pressing Start, the NMEA data began to be displayed on the screen, so the connection between phone and GPS works.

    Moving to GPSmid, I change the string in "comm:COM4; baudrate=4800", but the result was the same.

    I search other hints related to URL notation and I found this type of string:

    Url = "btspp://bluetoothAddress:" + L2CAP_UUID + ";authorize=false;encrypt=false";

    used in java programing (

    I use localhost for bluetoothAddress and 256 for L2CAP_UUID (I see this value in other programming examples, or the hexa value, 0x100), but the GPSmid provide the same error.

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-18

    I try also this solution, with socket://, but with GPSport. After this, I mixed GPSproxy with GPSport, in order to have the GPS connected with the phone when I try to connect the GPSmid. No succes ! Same error, again and again!!

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-23

    I made tests with some non-Java applications that using internal GPS andnow I'm sure that also  the internal device works. But, unfortunately, I don't know on which port. Does anybody know some Java or non-Java application that can provide this information?

  • YO3FVR

    YO3FVR - 2011-03-25

    So finally, I managed to connect the HTC Touch Pro with the external GPS receiver. In order to do this, it is necessary to run the following steps:
    - in the HTC settings (Start/Settings/System), select External GPS. Set the GPS program and hardware ports to (None)
    - then, also in HTC settings, but in Connections tab, select Bluetooth option and add your external bluetooth GPS receiver, using Add new device… In the COM Ports tab, select New Outgoing Port and discover the available services. You need the serial service and after you discovery it, select an available COM number to assign on this service, without Secure Connection option. I my case, I  choose COM9.
    - start the bluetooth service on your HTC phone
    - install (or copy) and run the GPSport application (freeware). This application translate the serial port service in a newtork port. In the started application, select the serial COM assigned in bluetooth options earlier (COM 9 for my case) and keep the value for the network port (20175). Press Start button. Do not close the application, let it to run in background !
    - start Java and run GPSmid. Go to Menu>Main>Setup>Location Receiver. Select <Discovery> link followed by the Menu option (in the right-bottom corner) and Enter URL. In the URL field, enter the following string:


    - Press OK to go back to the Location Receiver, where you must select Bluetooth (NMEA) for input and Send keep alives and Auto reconnect GPS. It is mandatory to select these checkboxes, because the devices will not connected from the first try, so it necessary to force them to try until the connection is made.
    - press OK and then Back button to return in the map mode. It is mandatory to select these checkboxes
    - Finally, press Start GPS, in Menu>Main and wait the phone to connect with the GPS receiver. At each new start of the GPSmid application, when you start the GPS,  you will receive a message regarding the net access. You must allow the Net access (answer Yes) and then you must select Yes, but ask me next session.
    - If the connection it's OK, you should see in the GPSport application that the status of Input is Reading and the Status of Output is Transmitting.

    Some issues:
    - if your phone goes in stand by, the bluetooth connection is maintained only for a few minutes. After this time, if you activate the phone, the bluetooth connection will be lost and it's necessary to Stop and Start the GPSport application (only from the button, not the entire application). Then, in GPSmid you must press again Start GPS.
    - the bluetooth connection could be, also, very unstable if the GPS receiver don't provides NMEA data, for a long time, because can't reach the satellites.


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