
#14 To bundle the extra modules with gpsim-win32 snapshot


It is not so easy to build gpsim-win32 and the
current snapshot does not include the extra modules
like graphic_lcd. It would be greatly appreciated
that the Win32 snapshots could include them as well.



  • Xiaofan Chen

    Xiaofan Chen - 2006-05-30

    Logged In: YES

    Borut has solved the problems. Now with the
    following five exports command,
    I can build the latest extra modules from SVN
    under Windows.

    export GLIB_PATH=/home/Test/gpsim_proj/glib
    export GTK_PATH=/home/Test/gpsim_proj/gtk+
    export PANGO_PATH=/home/Test/gpsim_proj/pango
    export ATK_PATH=/home/Test/gpsim_proj/atk
    export CAIRO_PATH=/home/Test/gpsim_proj/cairo

    Note: you need to change the above to suit
    your own setup.

    It would still be nice to bundle them with
    the snapshots.


  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2006-05-31

    Logged In: YES

    Implementer in revision #1659


  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2006-05-31
    • assigned_to: nobody --> borutr
    • status: open --> closed
  • Xiaofan Chen

    Xiaofan Chen - 2006-06-02

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Borut,
    There are two bugs in the snapshot

    1) The graphic_lcd DLL file should be
    named libgpsim_graphicLCD.dll instead of glcd.dll.
    I guess this is my fault. You need to change
    the Makefile for MinGW as well.

    2) Somehow for the LCD module, gpsim wants to use instead of the correct

    Please fix these two bugs. Thanks.


    PS: the running log without renaming the DLL
    gpsim - the GNUPIC simulator
    version: Release 0.21.12-pre

    type help for help
    **gpsim> SimulationMode:52
    Warning SSP Module is not implemented
    FIXME: 16bit processor is assuming that PLL is on - should
    check config bits
    Setting config word 0x300000 = 0xdeff
    Setting config word 0x300002 = 0xffff
    Setting config word 0x300004 = 0xfffb
    Setting config word 0x300006 = 0xfffb
    Setting config word 0x300008 = 0xbffc
    Setting config word 0x30000a = 0xffff
    Setting config word 0x30000c = 0xffff
    FIXME: HLL files are not supported at the moment
    SSPCON1 is not implemented
    SSPCON2 is not implemented
    SSPSTAT is not implemented
    SSPADD is not implemented
    Program_Counter16::put_value 0x0
    Enabling WDT timeout = 0.018 seconds
    Failed loading C:\Program
    Files\gpsim\bin\libgpsim_graphicLCD.dll: The specified
    module could not be found.
    module type LCD100X32 not created
    pullup resistor or generic voltage source
    .resistance - pullup resistance
    .voltage - pullup or drive voltage
    .capacitance - pin capacitance

    pullup resistor or generic voltage source
    .resistance - pullup resistance
    .voltage - pullup or drive voltage
    .capacitance - pin capacitance

    ***ERROR: syntax error, unexpected LITERAL_STRING_T,
    expecting EOLN_T while pars
    Last command: attach nE1 porte0 LCD.e1

    directory is "C:\Program Files\gpsim\extras\lcd\examples"
    file_name is ""
    scan: clearing lexer state and flushing buffer
    scan: good command
    scan: BIT_FLAG
    scan: option
    scan: string literal
    cmd_load::load cod file lcd_mod.cod
    Found lcd_mod.cod as lcd_mod.cod
    load hex
    Trying to open a file: lcd_mod.lst
    Found lcd_mod.lst as lcd_mod.lst
    Have gputils
    gputils version major c813 minor 0 micro 0
    good, you have a recent version of gputils
    ascertaining cpu from the .cod file
    found a 16c64 in the .cod file
    Trying to add new processor '16c64' named '16c64'
    processor constructor
    pic_processor constructor
    pc constructor
    generic 16X6X constructor, type = 1
    c64 constructor, type = 1d
    c64 create
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    _14bit_processor create, type = 1d
    Initializing program memory: 0x800 words
    Initializing program memory: 0x800 words
    init_register_memory memory size: 100
    creating c64 registers
    Creating invalid registers 100
    creating c64 symbols
    create_symbols register memory size = 100
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'portd' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'porte' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'trisd' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'trise' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.WarnMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.WarnMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.SafeMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.SafeMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.UnknownMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.UnknownMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.BreakOnReset
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnReset
    creating attribute symbol named:
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnInvalidRegisterRead
    creating attribute symbol named:
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnInvalidRegisterWrite
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.frequency
    add_attribute name = p16c64.frequency
    Program Memory size 800
    Register Memory size 100
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.xpos
    add_attribute name = p16c64.xpos
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.ypos
    add_attribute name = p16c64.ypos
    Internal RC oscillator
    WDT is disabled
    Found up to 6 source files in .cod file
    Found .\lcd_mod.asm as ./lcd_mod.asm
    Added new file named: lcd_mod.asm id = 1
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 2
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 3
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 4
    Found .\lcd.asm as ./lcd.asm
    Added new file named: lcd.asm id = 5
    Found .\screen.asm as ./screen.asm
    Added new file named: screen.asm id = 6
    Found 6 source files in .cod file
    Found .\lcd_mod.lst as ./lcd_mod.lst
    Added new file named: lcd_mod.lst id = 7
    List file lcd_mod.lst wasn't in .cod
    No long symbol table info
    FIXME: HLL files are not supported at the moment
    SSPADD in unimplemented, as is all of I2C.
    Internal RC oscillator
    WDT is disabled
    WDT init called , but disabling WDT
    processor pma = 2048
    **gpsim> got EOL
    scan: end of line
    scan: clearing lexer state and flushing buffer
    scan: good command
    scan: BIT_FLAG
    scan: option
    scan: literal int
    got EOL
    scan: end of line
    Failed loading C:\Program
    Files\gpsim\bin\ The specified mod
    ule could not be found.
    module type lcd_display not created
    ***ERROR: syntax error, unexpected LITERAL_STRING_T,
    expecting EOLN_T while pars
    Last command: attach nE portb3 lcd1.E

    After renaming the DLL as asked by gpsim:

    gpsim - the GNUPIC simulator
    version: Release 0.21.12-pre

    type help for help
    **gpsim> SimulationMode:52
    Warning SSP Module is not implemented
    FIXME: 16bit processor is assuming that PLL is on - should
    check config bits
    Setting config word 0x300000 = 0xdeff
    Setting config word 0x300002 = 0xffff
    Setting config word 0x300004 = 0xfffb
    Setting config word 0x300006 = 0xfffb
    Setting config word 0x300008 = 0xbffc
    Setting config word 0x30000a = 0xffff
    Setting config word 0x30000c = 0xffff
    FIXME: HLL files are not supported at the moment
    SSPCON1 is not implemented
    SSPCON2 is not implemented
    SSPSTAT is not implemented
    SSPADD is not implemented
    Program_Counter16::put_value 0x0
    Enabling WDT timeout = 0.018 seconds
    pullup resistor or generic voltage source
    .resistance - pullup resistance
    .voltage - pullup or drive voltage
    .capacitance - pin capacitance

    pullup resistor or generic voltage source
    .resistance - pullup resistance
    .voltage - pullup or drive voltage
    .capacitance - pin capacitance

    0: p18f452 Execution at done(0x298)
    Message:*** PASSED LCD test
    1: p18f452 Execution at 0x29c
    Message:*** FAILED LCD test
    Widths 37 0 0 0
    module_x 0, module widget size 316, 126
    Widths 30 0 0 0
    Widths 30 0 0 0
    Widths 31 0 31 0
    LCD update
    FIXME: CLRWDT for 16 bit processors
    0x00000000005B8D7E p18f452 0x0232 0xD7FC bra $-0x6 ;
    0x00000000005B8D7F p18f452 0x022C 0x50EE movf
    Read: 0x0000 from postinc0(0x0FEE)
    Wrote: 0x0081 to fsr0l(0x0FE9) was 0x0080
    Wrote: 0x0002 to fsr0h(0x0FEA) was 0x0002
    Read: 0x00FF from 0x280(0x0280)
    Wrote: 0x00FF to W(0x0FE8) was 0x00FF
    Wrote: 0x0013 to status(0x0FD8) was 0x0013
    LCD update
    0x000000000337F97F p18f452 0x01FE 0x0012 return
    0x000000000337F980 p18f452 0x01FE 0x0012 return
    directory is "C:\Program Files\gpsim\extras\lcd\examples"
    file_name is ""
    scan: clearing lexer state and flushing buffer
    scan: good command
    scan: BIT_FLAG
    scan: option
    scan: string literal
    cmd_load::load cod file lcd_mod.cod
    Found lcd_mod.cod as lcd_mod.cod
    load hex
    Trying to open a file: lcd_mod.lst
    Found lcd_mod.lst as lcd_mod.lst
    Have gputils
    gputils version major c813 minor 0 micro 0
    good, you have a recent version of gputils
    ascertaining cpu from the .cod file
    found a 16c64 in the .cod file
    Trying to add new processor '16c64' named '16c64'
    processor constructor
    pic_processor constructor
    pc constructor
    generic 16X6X constructor, type = 1
    c64 constructor, type = 1d
    c64 create
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    IOPIN default constructor
    _14bit_processor create, type = 1d
    Initializing program memory: 0x800 words
    Initializing program memory: 0x800 words
    init_register_memory memory size: 100
    creating c64 registers
    Creating invalid registers 100
    creating c64 symbols
    create_symbols register memory size = 100
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'portd' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'porte' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'trisd' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    Symbol_Table::add(): Warning: failed to add symbol because
    a symbol by the name
    'trise' already exists, new object is type register_symbol
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.WarnMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.WarnMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.SafeMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.SafeMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.UnknownMode
    add_attribute name = p16c64.UnknownMode
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.BreakOnReset
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnReset
    creating attribute symbol named:
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnInvalidRegisterRead
    creating attribute symbol named:
    add_attribute name = p16c64.BreakOnInvalidRegisterWrite
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.frequency
    add_attribute name = p16c64.frequency
    Program Memory size 800
    Register Memory size 100
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.xpos
    add_attribute name = p16c64.xpos
    creating attribute symbol named: p16c64.ypos
    add_attribute name = p16c64.ypos
    Widths 31 0 31 0
    Internal RC oscillator
    WDT is disabled
    Found up to 6 source files in .cod file
    Found .\lcd_mod.asm as ./lcd_mod.asm
    Added new file named: lcd_mod.asm id = 1
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 2
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 3
    Found .\ as ./
    Added new file named: id = 4
    Found .\lcd.asm as ./lcd.asm
    Added new file named: lcd.asm id = 5
    Found .\screen.asm as ./screen.asm
    Added new file named: screen.asm id = 6
    Found 6 source files in .cod file
    Found .\lcd_mod.lst as ./lcd_mod.lst
    Added new file named: lcd_mod.lst id = 7
    List file lcd_mod.lst wasn't in .cod
    No long symbol table info
    FIXME: HLL files are not supported at the moment
    TMR2 BUG!! value = 81 which is greater than 0xff
    SSPADD in unimplemented, as is all of I2C.
    Internal RC oscillator
    WDT is disabled
    WDT init called , but disabling WDT
    processor pma = 2048
    **gpsim> got EOL
    scan: end of line
    scan: clearing lexer state and flushing buffer
    scan: good command
    scan: BIT_FLAG
    scan: option
    scan: literal int
    got EOL
    scan: end of line
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor
    SMObject constructor

    (gpsim:3164): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_events:
    assertion `!GTK_WIDGET_REA
    LIZED (widget)' failed
    Widths 40 0 35 0
    0x000000000469267E p16c64 0x0064 0x2863 goto 0x0063
    0x000000000469267F p16c64 0x0063 0x0BB4 decfsz 0x34,f
    Read: 0x0013 from 0x34(0x0034)
    Wrote: 0x0012 to 0x34(0x0034) was 0x0013

  • Borut Ražem

    Borut Ražem - 2006-06-02

    Logged In: YES

    Fixed in revision #1659




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