
GPLDevKit / News: Recent posts

GPLDevKit 0.19 Released!

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Added more articulations to skeleton animation.
* Redesigned the humanoid head.
* Humanoid texturization.
* Redesigned the attack animation.
* Created a font solution.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-06-13

GPLDevKit 0.18 Released!

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Added walking support to humanoid class.
* Added partial texturing to humanoid.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-05-13

GPLDevKit 0.17 Released

* Datagrid component
* Property fbquery.eof

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2007-02-06

GPLDevKit 0.16 Released!

* GPLGame functions distance, output, colision, insidearea, facingangle;
* gplgame method hurt;
* gplgame properties camera and life;
* gplgameobj properties mortal, life, x, y, z, action, timeofdeath

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-08-21

GPLDevKit 0.15 Released!

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Added component dataedit, that can edit data directy in a database using the fbquery components.
* Added database_demo, a demo for using the database component.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-08-16

GPLDevKit 0.14 Released

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Added objects gplgame and gplgameobj, that act as a 3D Game Engine.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-06-27

GPLDevKit 0.13 Released

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Fixed demo and test module to verify name of program files folder.
* Functions getregistryvalue, randomstring, programfilesdir, showmessage.
* Showmessage demo.
* Application component gplapp.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-02-18

GPLDevKit 0.12 Released

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.


* Next method fix
* fbquery.delete method
* single_fbquery function

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2006-01-06

GPLDevKit 0.11 Released

GPLDevKit is a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.
In this Release the method fbquery.insert was added.

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2005-11-08

GPLDevKit 0.10 Released

The first public release of GPLDevKit, a Multiplatform Extreme Programming Software Development Tool using FreePascal.
It have several visual components (button, checkbox, edit, groupbox, radiobutton, text, window) and database components (fbdatabase, fbtransaction, fbquery).

Posted by Rodrigo Robles 2005-10-13