
GnumakeUniproc / News: Recent posts

GnumakeUniproc v0.94 release, approaching v1.0 stable.

After three years of constant development and improvements with lots of real-world C/C++ projects, GnumakeUniproc is approaching its stable state. By saying stable, I mean user interface stable, that is, all GnumakeUniproc variable names and their semantics are confirmed, so the user's existing makefiles will always be valid and workable along further updates of GnumakeUniproc itself.

Today, I change the project status from "Beta" to "Beta, Production/Stable"

Posted by Chen Jun (陈军) 2009-01-03

GnumakeUniproc v0.93 released.

This is a release after GnumakeUniproc has been used in one of my realworld big project. Still, many more improvements are made in this release, with only one major interface change. See release-notes of the download for details.

More documents are supplied but are still in progress. A Wiki site has been setup to provide trivial document update and help content. See it at

Posted by Chen Jun (陈军) 2008-05-23

GnumakeUniproc v0.92 released.

More improvements have been made in this release, and interface almost compatible with v0.91. See release-notes of the download for details.

Posted by Chen Jun (陈军) 2007-10-07

GnumakeUniproc v0.91 Released.

A lot of fixes and improvements since v0.9. The interface should be stable now.

Installation process improved:
* NSIS installer for Windows users.
* Concise text file INSTALL.linux describing how to install it on Linux.

Posted by Chen Jun (陈军) 2007-03-15

My first release: GnumakeUniproc(v0.9)

I've made my first release, you can get your first experience with GnumakeUniproc from my quick start guide(in this project's SVN repository): . In case you don't have an SVN client software to download GnumakeUniproc main files that is required to follow the guide, you can instead download the release file called “GnumakeUniproc-v0.9” .

Posted by Chen Jun (陈军) 2007-01-27