
GNUccess - GUI DB applications framework / News: Recent posts

Gnuccess-design list

I've made the list open for postings by non-members - I can see that as we all have multiple addresses it's tough to keep the information about the addresses allowed to post to the list current. If it will get flooded by spammers - we'll have to go back to the old policy.

Posted by Bartosz Wilczynski 2003-03-27

Wakka Wiki

If you are wondering what the hell does the subject of this message mean, relax. It's just another way to make our lives more intersting. I've set up the wiki page (based on wakka wiki) for our project. I've tried with tikiwiki too, but it doesn't seem to work (if anyone wants to try to set this shit up I'll be glad). Wakka wiki is much lighter then tikiwiki but i guess it should be enough. I actually like it's simplicity. ... read more

Posted by Bartosz Wilczynski 2003-03-15

Tasks re-opened

I gave our tasks a general makeover. Now there are 4 main subprojects (GNUccess core, GNUccess GUI, Native DB engine, Installer) to which we should add new tasks.

Posted by Kuba Wroniecki 2003-03-11


I've created a nice makefile for documentation. After making any changes to the files in the python directory You can just go to doc directory and perform make install (it will create all html files and upload them to SF - they are available at\).

You will also need to guess my password or change the variable $(USER) in the makefile ;)

BTW. I don't know if it's just me or pydoc SUCKS. I've worked with javadoc, lpdoc and doxygene and they're all a whole lot BETTER

Posted by Bartosz Wilczynski 2003-03-06

Property editor.

I added something to demonstrate the property classes (GcProperty and GcProportySheet). A window should pop up at startup, and should be filled with values when an object is selected for edition. So far there two properties: "test" and "name". Suggestions welcome.

Posted by Kuba Wroniecki 2003-03-04

Slight CVS re-organisation

I modified the CVS tree slightly - added a module named "current", which should be used for our ... current work. This includes all work on the demo version. I'm not sure how to remove the other directories, so if anyone finds a neat way, feel free to do it.

Posted by Kuba Wroniecki 2003-03-03

CVS repository initialised

I've uploaded the stuff to the cvs. (I have to clean this up a little still)

Posted by Bartosz Wilczynski 2003-03-03

First file available

Hello everybody. I've just uploaded first tarball. We have to check those files into CVS, but I'm too exhausted to do this today. I hope You will enjoy this little piece of code. It's a perfect ilustration of my idea. It's not fully functional yet. It has some problems with sorting objects and it doesn't really support icons.

The Only functional class is GcDummy. It has only one property - dummyText - and it allows you to edit it. and it shows this text when you run execute().... read more

Posted by Bartosz Wilczynski 2003-03-03