
Gnewsuck / News: Recent posts

v0.02 released

Gnewsuck is a Gtk+ application that sucks XML RSS news feeds. A bayesian filter is used to get only articles of interest.

v0.02 is a developer-only targeted release. Try to compile/run it if you get the chance (see README).

Since 0.01...
* updated GUI, now has two panes with some default data in each pane. Left pane is the feedlist (RSS feeds), right pane is the feedview (HTML or plaintext version of RSS feed chosen in left pane). The panes are still NONFUNCTIONAL, but should work soon.

Posted by Adam Monsen 2004-07-16

v0.01 released

Gnewsuck is a Gtk+ application that sucks XML RSS news feeds. A bayesian filter is used to get only articles of interest.

v0.01 is a developer-only targeted release. Try to compile/run it if you get the chance (see README).

Posted by Adam Monsen 2004-07-08

current status: Pre-Alpha

Currently, we're working on the first alpha release.

Posted by Adam Monsen 2004-07-08