
March 2008: Gnaural2 (beta 9) Released!

A stable beta version of Gnaural2 (currently beta8, Feb 2008) is available in the File section, with packaged binaries for Windows (.exe) and Debian (.deb), and POSIX source code for everybody else. It was an entire rewrite of the code. Some of the new features include:

- Ability to synchronize sessions with other Gnaural2 users across the internet
- Unlimited voices (which can now also be Audio Files, like WAV, FLAC, AU, AIFF)
- Ability to export sound to over a dozen audio file formats
- Multiple graph views to control volume, stereo-spread, beat, and base frequency
- Drag 'n' Drop functionality
- Use of LibGlade (so user can customize the GUI with a text editor)
- Ability to communicate with other applications (so Gnaural2 can control auxiliary devices; for example, a photoic flasher)

Gnaural2 does everything Gnaural-the-first does, but much, much more. In many ways, it is best thought of as a sound synthesizer, providing a uniquely non-linear approach to sculpting sound. Within minutes, you can create some truly unearthly and surreal soundscapes.

Gnaural2 can be download here:

Just like the original Gnaural, you'll need the GTK+ runtime libraries, available for Windows here:
(NOTE: GTK+ comes pre-installed on basically all Linux distributions).

A brief intro and tutorial for Gnaural2 is here:

For an idea of what's possible, see these example schedules:

Here is someone using Gnaural2 for musical composition:

Lastly, here is a screenshot of a non-meditative schedule designed to stress the audio engine:

Posted by gnaural 2007-07-07

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