devnullius - 2009-05-10


I think I finally found my preffered gmail notifier. You support google apps and ordinary gmail, you have (limited: up to 6) label notification support (including Label Inbox) and support for https.

With this, you managed to surpass all your windows competitors - none quite got it :(

Now I only have this last problem (and afterwards, a few suggestions:).

I use labels like: "- - err0r - -" and "me @ inet" or "act: web" etc.

Using spaces probably is bad (gmail doesn't support it), so I used in your program label names (like Google does) like "----err0r----" and "me-@-msn" or "act:-web".

I get no new e-mail notifications! Label "inbox" works, the rest fail...Including the spaces doesn't work either. Now what? :)

Thanx in advance.


Suggestions... Just been re-filtering >65000 gmail's (dating back to sept. '4), and even so I still have a LOT of labels in use...

A maximum notification of 6 labels just isn't enough... How about giving a max. of (say) 64? That should cut it. And how about a feature "Show all new emails except labels {}"?

But again; loving it : )



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