
Native GIMP + Pressure + Custom Tools:

  • themystician themystician

    Hi there, some time ago I found a fork (I think) called Gimp-Painter, since the programmers are japanese and all the docs are in japanese I can't tell for sure if it's a fork.

    The fact is that these guys developed a native version (no X11 needed) with tablet presure and some -VERY nice- custom tools.

    For now, I only saw a PPC version of the program. Since I am not a programmer, I don't know how to build an intel version.

    So I'd like you to check it out, I think they did a wonderfull job. I'm testing the current release (2.6.2 PPC only version) but it runs very slow in my intel machine.

    You can found Gimp-Painter (GIMP for painters) here:

    Hope U find this usefull, and keep working! :)

    • mingoto

      mingoto - 2009-01-09
    • themystician themystician

      Yep, but I don't really know how that works ... I just want a intel version of that fork, because the two new tools they created are quite good.


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