Chris Horn - 2007-02-26

I've spent an hour or so trying to compile the UFRaw plug-in for the that's available.

I finally aligned all of the stars and libraries, only to discover that:

(reds) mercury:/Applications/
$ ./gimp
dyld: Library not loaded: /sw/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Reason: Incompatible library version: ufraw-gimp requires version 1201.0.0 or later, but libglib-2.0.0.dylib provides version 801.0.0

Complete bummer!

So, I figured that if I built my own Gimp, then I would be using the latest libglib (the one in /sw seems new enough).  I tried to compile my own with the instructions from the website.  After diffing and merging in your changes found in ScripExec to the Platypus Script_Exec (ScriptExec doesn't compile in XCode 2.4.1 on an Intel Mac) and going through the other preparatory steps I have run into a wall trying to compile the Gimp.

I'm not using the 2.0 version from Fink (why downgrade?), I downloaded 2.2.13 and am working directly with the source.  And I'm stuck.

I saw in the forum archives here that you have newer instructions.  Can you share them?  I really want to use UFRaw on my Mac!

Many thanks,
Chris Horn