
Invitation to unite our efforts

M Gagnon
  • M Gagnon

    M Gagnon - 2008-03-16


    I am a member of the project. As you probably already know, we provide GIMP binaries, but also support and documentation. We also are the website where mac users that go to are pointed to.

    Since we both aim to have GIMP running on mac, we are inviting you to join the effort so that we can all work toghether, and so that binaries for GIMP on mac can come from a single location. Joining us would not imply any requirement on doing support or documentation; we gladly take all experienced developers aboard to help further improve the state of GIMP of mac. This could also improve the visibility of your builds since we are linked from - with no obligation.

    In short, we would like if we could unite our efforts and provide a stronger GIMP for mac package, from a single location.

    Thanks for reading, hoping you see this message :)

    • mingoto

      mingoto - 2009-01-09

      Did anyone answer your request?  A joint effort would be great!


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