
Easy Desktop Environment (ezde) / News: Recent posts

GIFE is now in svn

GIFE is now set up in svn. You can easily give it a try by following the instructions to check out the code on the SVN code page.

To build GIFE, you need GTK+ development files and Webkit 1.1.10 development files.

Posted by Shae Smittle 2009-06-25

Introduction to GIFE

Gtk+ Interface Focused on Ease is a great new project focused on creating a simple, powerful interface intended to be used by young or old users who are uncomfortable with using computers.

This project is new and under extreme development. Once some basic functions are completed, a development preview release will be made, but until then you can try out the version in SVN.

Posted by Shae Smittle 2009-06-25