
Getleft / News: Recent posts

Getleft 1.0.4 released

Version 1.0.4 of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber, has been released.

Getleft is used to download web site, either complete or the part that matches the options set by the users.

For more information, please visit Getleft's homepage

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-07-24

Announce Getleft 1.0.2

Version 1.0.2 of Getleft, a web site grabber powered by cURL, has been released.

Main changes include a fix for a bug that made Getleft ask which links to follow every time you resumed downloading a site and for another that produced an error after a ftp transfer.

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-05-22

Getleft 1.0.1

A new version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber powered by cURL, has been released.

This release fixes a few bugs in the 1.0 version, the most important of which is that you won't be asked which links to follow every time you resume downloading a site.

Have fun

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-05-02

Getleft 1.0

After only three and a half years of development, the first stable version of Getleft has been released.

Getleft is a little Tcl/Tk tool you can use to download complete web sites, or at least the parts of it you want.

On unrelated news, salvation challenged regions have reported an unprecedented drop in temperatures

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-03-14

Getleft Release Candidate

The has development version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site site grabber has been released.

Changes include an install program for Unix systems, a fix to corrupted files when resuming a download, and many minor bugfixes.

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-03-04


As released version 1.0beta5 has a bug that makes Getleft crash on startup if you have left an incomplete download.

It doesn't affect the rpm and deb packages.

I have fixed the bug in the archives without changing the version number.

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-02-20

Getleft 1.0beta5 released

The Getleft team is happy to announce the release of the final beta for version 1.0.

Getleft is a web site grabber written in Tcl/Tk, given an URL it will try to download every linked URL depending on the options set by the user.

Main changes from the last version include a fix to a bug that prevented Getleft from working in just about every Unix but Linux, a new setup program for the Windows versions and many minor bugfixes.

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-02-18

Ann: Getleft 1.0beta4


The third version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber has been released.

Getleft features include:

-While it goes, it changes the original pages, all
the links get changed to relative links, for local

-Limited Ftp support, it will download the files
but not recursively.

-Resumes downloading if interrupted.

-Filters not to download certain kind of files.

-You can get a site map before downloading.... read more

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-02-05

Getleft 1.0b3 released

The third beta version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber powered by by cURL, has been released.
The main changes since the second beta have improved the Windows version and allow Getleft to work again with older versions of Tcl/Tk

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2002-01-10

Getleft 1.0b2 released


I have just released the second beta version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber powered by cURL.

In this release, some of the translations have been
updated, and several minor bug were fixed.

For more information, please visit:

or Getleft's SF page:

Happy New Year

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2001-12-31

Getleft 1.0beta1

The first beta version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web site grabber, has been released.

This version includes a new a configuration wizard, using Brian Oakley's TkWizard, and fixes some small bugs.

For more information, please check,

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2001-12-18

Getleft 0.11.7 released

Today, the latest version of Getleft, a Tcl/Tk web grabber powered by cURL has been released to an unsuspecting public.

Nothing much is known at press time, which probably means this is the usual mix of small enhancements and bug fixes, that can barely be called a release.

Available at all the
<a href="">usual places</a>

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2001-11-20

Getleft 0.11.6 Released

Version 0.11.6 of Getleft, a web site gabber, has been released.

This release fixes a couple couple of bugs with changing the downloaded html pages for local browsing and adds a few minor enhancements.

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2001-10-17

Getleft 0.11.5 Released

<P>Getleft is a tool to download complete web sites according to the options set by the user.<br>

<P>Version 0.11.5 marks the first release hosted at SourceForge, the main changes are:<br>
<li>It is now possible to program future downloads.
<li>A Chinese translation

Posted by Andres Garcia Garcia 2001-10-08