
Spatial Viewer for Oracle SQL Developer / News: Recent posts

GeoRaptor for SQL Developer 3.x imminent

Imminent is a new release of GeoRaptor for SQL Developer.

The new release has been tested on 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2.

GeoRaptor will no longer support SQL Developer 2.x versions.


Posted by Simon Greener 2012-08-30

GeoRaptor in Spatial Database comparison

GeoRaptor turns up in Bostongis' comparison of Oracle Spatial SQLServer Spatial and PostGIS, see 'Free viewer and editor' section :

Posted by Olaf Iseger 2010-06-10

New release

At 25-05-2010 a new version of GeoRaptor is released. Very much new features are included, read more at :

Posted by Olaf Iseger 2010-05-28

Second Snapshot Release

I fixed an issue that stopped spatial layers from being added to spatial view on Oracle 11gR1, but did also happen with 10g versions.

Posted by Holger Laebe 2010-02-20

2.1-SNAPSHOT released

This release is a SNAPSHOT release that gives you early access to new features. In this first release we have
- cross schema access
- use database views as spatial layers
- support of 3D coordinates (not the new 11g 3D geometries!)
Give it a try!

Posted by Holger Laebe 2010-01-24

Version 20100110

- Support for SQL Developer 2.1
- SpatialView stores Settings.xml now in ide.pref.dir
- QueryByPoint now works in "line marked" mode

Posted by Holger Laebe 2010-01-11

Version 20060622

- SpatialView : In layer tree, border between checkbox and label is better define.
- SpatialView : add support for ArcIMS raster layer

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-06-22

Version 20060530

- "Operations for SDO_GEOMETRY" : by default, option is set on true
- SpatialView : Query data now have function with "MDSYS." prefix

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-05-30

Version 20060529

- SpatialView : basic screen image when you perform multiple query or "Show geometry" operation.
- SpatialView : Zoom with window [Feature request 1464359]
- UpdateMetadata : button for calculate layer MBR

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-05-29

Version 20060527

- Spatial View : query function now user SRID value from selected layer
- Spatial View : support for multiline string
- Spatial View : support for Multipoint and Point cluster

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-05-27

Version 20060504

- [Feature request 1480349 ] Terminology changes
- Spatial View : Query data operation to query geometry objects by mouse click position.
- [Bug 1474034 ] DB connection reconnect
- [Bug 1442554 ] Error when Connection name alias not exist
- [Bug 1437630 ] SRID not selected

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-05-04

Version 20060502

- SpatiaView : in properties dialog you can select properties for single object shade (for example, it is perform when you select operaton "Draw geometry"). It is also solution for Feature Request 1461652.
- SQL Result table integration : "Draw geometry in Spatial View" now draw object in layer properties for "selected object".
- SQL Result table integration : "Zoom on geometry in Spatial View" perform zoom and "Draw geometry in Spatial View" operation.
- [Bug 1471931] SpatiaView : user can change geometry column name in properties dialog. Now Spatial View supports tabel with multi geometry columns.
- [Bug 1471931] Validate Geometry : bug fix and now works for tabel with multi geometry columns.
- [Bug 1471931] Update metadata : now works for tabel with multi geometry columns.
- [Feature request 1464363] Mouse based panning
- SQL Result table integration & Spatial view : Warning if geometry is not 2D.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-05-02

New homepage

I publish new homepage for GeoRaptor, created with Google Page creator - Some topics are still missing, but they will be available in next days.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-27

Version 20060425

- Bug fix : Rectangle object draw and shade

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-25

Version 20060420

- [ 1464368 ] Control ordering of the tables in spatial view
1) User can change layer order via new menu point "Move layer in order..."
2) Layers are rendered in a buttom-up sequence
- Menu point "Zoom on geometry in Spatial View" on result table is now implemented.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-20

Version 20060419

- [ 1456794 ] ora-00904 error with validation tjeck...

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-19


* Spatial View : new menu point on select layer : Zoom to last read geometries MBR.
* Update metadata : delete row in metadata table with press of "Delete" key.
* Spatial View : we new layer is added via menu point on the table, Spatial View dockable window is open automatic.
* GeoRaptor Snippets : installtion is now done with help of "SnippetAddin" class.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-10

Version 20060407

* 4-digits notation for gtype in SDO_GEOMETRY object.
* [ 1464091 ] SDO_GEOMETRY output -> last number

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-04-07

Version 20060324

* For SDO_GEOMETRY type, you now get "short" version of SDO_GEOMETRY description in SQL Worksheet result table
* Layer properties dialog is redesign and now it use GroupLayout.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-03-24

Version 20060320

* Set window center via dialog if you click on label with current window MBR.
* Integration with SQL Worksheet result set table : Copy geometry to SQL Developer log, Copy geometry to clipboard, Draw geometry in Spatial View
* Fix bug when layer shade properties are saved or loaded.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-03-20

Version 20060317

What's new:
* Shade support for circle, rectangle, polygon, polygon with hole, multipolygon

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-03-17

Version 20060313

* Support for multipolygons,
* Mark geometry start, points and line direction for polygon, multi polygon, line and line string,
* In Layer properties dialog, you can set last read layer data as layer MBR.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-03-13

Version 20060307

* Bug Fix : [ 1437905 ] err redraw layer after remove filter from where
* Bug Fix : [ 1422810 ] Progress bar refresh (ValidateGeometryColumn)
* Bug Fix : [ 1422814 ] Progress bar after validation (ValidateGeometryColumn)
* Bug Fix : [ 1438301 ] Properties dialog : only numbers for sizes
* Feature request : [ 1437903 ] Copy screen image to clipboard
* Support for Matarialized Views in Spatial View, Validate Geometry and Update metadata

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-03-08

Version 20060228

- Layer name is in line color.
- Layer fetch size can be set in properties dialog and it is use when data are read from DB.
- All layers and window properties are save and restore at startup.

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-02-28

Version 20060223

* new Online tutorial : New version announcement
* support for Oracle Spatial Circle type
* change layer name via properties dialog
* create new layer as copy selected layer
* automatically installation of GeoRaptor Snippets group with some useful Oracle Spatial functions
* Bug fix: [ 1437626 ] Layer draw error if SRID is not null

Posted by Matic Petek 2006-02-23