
Geomajas / News: Recent posts

Geomajas 1.7.1 released

Thanks to the hard work of the Geomajas community, we are pleased to announce the release of Geomajas 1.7.

Geomajas already was a all-Java, modular, enterprise framework based upon Spring. The biggest improvements occured in the plug-in system. Plug-ins are now automatically registered, allowing extensions and overwriting base services. Plug-ins register their dependencies and Geomajas checks at startup whether the dependent modules are available and compatible. The plug-ins now have an independent release cycle to allow improvements to be easily released.... read more

Posted by Joachim Van der Auwera 2010-08-17

Geomajas 1.6.0 released

After many months of hard work, the Geomajas project is very proud to announce a new stable Geomajas release.

Geomajas has been totally transformed into a modular, enterprise framework, based upon Spring. The most important changes are:

Modular Architecture

The Geomajas framework is now fully modular with a clear definition of a public API and extension points. This improves the overall system design and increases clarity and consistency. A lot of attention was given to assuring separation of concerns and break-up in clear responsibilities. ... read more

Posted by Joachim Van der Auwera 2010-04-28

Geomajas 1.5.3 community preview released

The Geomajas project is proud to release Geomajas 1.5.3, a technology preview showcasing the progress we are making towards our next stable build.

The major advances in this version include:

* Addition of a configurable security. Rights can be configured on layer level, feature level, attribute level, command level and even toolbar level.
* Spring configuration has been split up into a general server-side configuration and a clien-side configuration.
* Stabilization of the server-side API and introduction of an experimental API.
* Numerous bugfixes (78 in total)... read more

Posted by Joachim Van der Auwera 2010-02-24

New website

The last few weeks we have been busy revamping the geomajas website! If all goes well, the new website should arrive within 2 weeks from now. But that is not all. A new server has been provided by GeoSparc, to store the subversion repository, the Jira issue tracker, the maven repository, a Tomcat with the latest geomajas samples etc.

We should have the server fully operational at roughly the same time as the new website, so we're pretty excited. When the new website arrives, you will notice a few changes in the direction that we're taking geomajas. But more on that later ;-)

Posted by Pieter De Graef 2009-04-08

geomajas version 1.3.1 released

Finally the new release of the open source GIS framework geomajas is a fact! Version 1.3.1 is the first bugfix release on the previous 1.3.0 release, that also has a few graphical updates to make it a bit more sexy. The main focus for this release was to enhance all our widgets. Secondly we re-evaluated the filtering mechanism, and redesigned it using our own complex featuremodels in combination with geotools and CQL.... read more

Posted by Pieter De Graef 2009-02-12


The geomajas team recently visited the CASCADOSS conference in Leuven, Belgium. As a presentation, we had prepared a demo, based on the latest snapshot of version 1.3.0 (which will soon be released as version 1.3.1).
For anyone who might be interested, you can check out the demo on :

Posted by Pieter De Graef 2009-02-09

Looking for beta testers

Geomajas 1.3 has already been used in some projects now. The development team has the ambition to release it as the stable version 1.4.0 in February next year.

To get as much feedback as possible to release a stable version we are looking for Beta testers. People who are interested in testing the framework can post their issues in our issue tracker.

(for the moment our issue tracker is hosted by dfc software engineering at:\)... read more

Posted by Pieter De Graef 2008-12-16

Geomajas: version 1.3.0 released!

Geomajas is a web mapping GIS software with editing capabilities, and support for complex relation models in the browser. Geomajas has an open architecture enabling easy sharing, integrating and updating of GIS data.

Finally the long awaited version 1.3.0 of Geomajas is ready and available for download. The main focus for this version was internationalization and speed. To this end there are serverside coordinate transformations, there is a new tile-based caching system, there is OpenStreetMap compatibility, a complex attribute model (1 to n, m to n, inheritance), and lots lots more.... read more

Posted by Pieter De Graef 2008-12-02