
GENPO / News: Recent posts

GENPO 0.9.8 Released

GENPO 0.9.8 has just been released. This release includes a move to the Qt4 library and a significant bug fix for using more than 16 stops simultaneously.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2008-11-26

GENPO 0.9.7 Released

Version 0.9.7 is released today and contains one significant bug fix.

If you are routing MIDI data to GENPO from a sequencer you will definitely want to upgrade.

The GPL 3 headers are now properly included everywhere as well.

Have fun.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2008-05-14

GENPO 0.9.6 Released

Release 0.9.6 brings one major change - the ability to support 32 output channels (simultaneous stops pulled) if your system can support this.

There are other minor improvements throughout the code. We have moved to GPL v3.

No changes to the .org DTD this release.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2007-08-26

GENPO 0.9.5 Released

ENPO 0.9.5 is a major release with a mixture of fixes, enhancements and one significant new feature.

Toe Pistons (whole organ combinations) have been added and the .org specification has been extended accordingly.

Also, 'Division' and 'Piston' are now preferred names for 'Manual' and 'Preset', for now the old names are merely deprecated: existing .org files will continue to work for some time yet.... read more

Posted by Steve Merrony 2007-04-20

GENPO 0.9.1 Released

I've just released version 0.9.1.

It's aimed at improving usability a little, and one requested feature has been added.


* (Internal) Added console.channel_manual_map to speed-up/simplify note handling
* Added --help switch
* Added --singlestop mode - just permit one voice at a time
* Added --outport=<client>:<port> option to hint that a particular ALSA channel should be used for output
* Try to guess an (obvious) value for QTDIR in read more

Posted by Steve Merrony 2007-03-29

GENPO 0.9 Released

This release contains a critical fix for users of GCC version 4 and up.

There are also major improvements to the (re)loading of organ definitions.

More redundant code was removed.


Posted by Steve Merrony 2007-03-20

GCC Version 4+

It appears that GCC v4 is stricter about a certain implicit type conversion that is used once in versions of GENPO prior to 0.9.

A fix for this is being tested, along with a few enhancements. I hope to release 0.9 very shortly.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2007-03-19


I'm delighted to let you know about OrganDesiger an independent open source project:

OrganDesigner provides a graphical user interface for users of GENPO (GENeral Purpose Organ) to help them create and edit organ files (".org" XML files used to describe the composition and organization of an organ). OrganDesigner can create a GENPO organ file from a SoundFont file (with user guidance); it can open existing GENPO organ files for editing.... read more

Posted by Steve Merrony 2006-08-17

Feature Requests

Due to some useful feedback a new version is in the works.

If you have features which you'd like to see in the new version please get them in the Tracker as soon as possible.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2005-11-03

GENPO 0.8.1 Released

0.8.1 is a minor release of the GENeral Purpose Organ.

A --verbose mode has been added so you can see more internals.
A General MIDI organ has been added to the organs directory.
The reference organ ( has been updated.
The ALSA port names are a little better.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2004-06-15

GENPO 0.8 Released

GENPO - The GENeral Purpose Organ

Release 0.8 contains the following new features:

- Sub- and Super-Octave Couplers
- Better window resizing
- New build script to catch common errors
- Bug 874374 fixed (ignore wild program change messages)

The following features were added in (the withdrawn) 0.7 release and are incorporated here:

- MIDI keyboard controlled Presets/Pistons
- Swell/Expression pedal support

Posted by Steve Merrony 2004-02-02

GENPO Build Issues

I have withdrawn Release 0.7 as it appears only to build successfully on RadHat 9.

A new release will be made shortly, in the meantime please use version 0.6.

If anybody can help out with pre-release testing please make contact via the GENPO-users mailing-list.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2004-01-19

GENPO 0.7 Released

Version 0.7 of GENPO (the GENeral Purpose Organ) has been released.

This release adds handling of keyboard presets (MIDI Program Changes) and Swell or Expression pedals.

We now have a very useable organ framework!

N.B. The build process has been modified to use qmake rather than automake.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-12-27

Works with FluidSynth

I successfully had GENPO working with a soft synth (fluidsynth) this weekend. Although the sound quality is marginally lower than using sound-card synthesis, the advantage is that the output can be Jack'd to a real-time FX processor eg. ecamegapedal and you can then use a variety of nice reverb and chorus effects to enhance the 'real organ sound'.

I'll post a screen-shot on the GENPO website soon.... read more

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-12-17

GENPO 0.6 Released

0.6 contains some features requested to support cinema/theatre organs (coloured stops etc.), and some general usability enhancements.

See the file for examples of most of the new features.

You may need to specify the location of your QT installation when invoking ./configure.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-08-03

GENPO 0.5 Released

This is a bug-fix release to permit compilation with GCC 3.x compilers. If you had compilation errors with previous versions, then please try this one.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-05-20

GENPO 0.4 Released

Version 0.4 of the GENeric Pipe Organ has been released.

The only changes in this release are the incorporation of some files missing from the 0.0.3 package, and simplified version numbering.

Work continues on a synchronised Java version for non-ALSA platforms (including Windows).

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-04-08

Omissions in 0.0.3 package

Due to automake errors, the 0.0.3 package is incomplete and will not build successfully.

A new release will be made shortly.

Apologies to anyone affected.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-04-07

Java Version on the way

A functionally-equivalent version written in Java is under development. This will provide support for non-ALSA platforms (eg. Windows...). In order to provide a stable MIDI environment, at least Java 1.4.1 is required. For more details and target dates see the Task Manager.

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-03-28

GENeric Pipe Organ

Announcing the initial public release of GENPO ( - the GENeric Pipe Organ.

This project emulates a pipe (church) organ by providing a console-like front-end, and mapping your MIDI keyboards to voices contained is any of several freely-available organ sound fonts.

Please contribute by testing, using, and providing feedback.

A source release is already available (requires Linux and ALSA libraries).... read more

Posted by Steve Merrony 2003-03-08