
New Release 2.1

Well, finally we released it: GDGraph for PHP 2.1. A lot has changed from 1.1 bug-wise, performance-wise and feature-wise. Be sure to look at the documentation on how to use the new features and what has changed on the graph structure.

We tried to mantain as much backward compatibility we could, but some of you out there may find some differences from the 1.x versions (especially on the line graph function)... believe us when we tell you that these changes were for the better good. Although the workarounds are quite easy and straightforward, if you run into any trouble, don't hesitate in contacting us for any help.

Thanks for all the comments we've received. We've considered each and every one of them, which has improved GDGraph for PHP into realms we never thought possible.
Thanks to all the persons that have used it: it's quite impressive how wide the area of applications that you guys have found for this PHP class is. This has inspired us to move forward with this project so keep on using it, keep on commenting about it, and, more importantly:

Keep on Coding! =)

Posted by Makko Solutions 2006-09-30

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