
GT-6 help

  • turkeyjerky214

    turkeyjerky214 - 2012-04-11

    I'm finally trying to start making my own patches for my Boss GT-6, but I can't for the life of me get my computer to talk to it. I'm using GT6FxFloorBoard as my program.

    Here's a video showing exactly what I'm doing to try to get it into Bulk Mode. I'm following the instructions exactly as I'm understanding them. Can anyone see if I'm doing anything wrong?

    Basically I'm connecting it (Out to In, In to Out), going into Bulk Load on the GT-6, clicking on Bulk Mode in Fx FloorBoard, and getting an error message.

    I'm really frustrated/desperate here.

  • gumtownbassman

    gumtownbassman - 2012-04-11

    Two things there,
    1.) Has the "midi input" and "midi output" device type been selected from the "Preferences > Midi" menu ??
    2.) That type of midi device is known to not work very well with recieving large amounts of system exclusive data, some days it may work, some days not.
    recommend a quality midi device, i use Edirol/Roland ones.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Have you put midi in to Output (on pedal) and midi out in  to Input ?

  • gumtownbassman

    gumtownbassman - 2012-04-22

    the Midi Device "output" goes to the GT device "input",
    the Midi Device "input" goes to the GT device "output".

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    did you get it to work? I have the same issue

  • Julien Tournier

    Julien Tournier - 2018-12-06

    Hello everyone.

    reviving this old thread but I'm having the same issue.
    Using the latest version of FloorBoard for GT-6 on the lastest version of Win10.
    Pedal is locked on "Bulk Load Waiting" and floorboard cannot connect

    • gumtownbassman

      gumtownbassman - 2018-12-12

      Lucky you posted when you did, as I had my GT-6 up for sale on a local eAuction, so I pulled it back and have been working on the GT-6FxFloorboard editor.
      I seem to have problems with my midi device adapter and Windows 10, so am trying to work around this.
      Also have rehashed the GUI so that the screen is scalable to high resolution monitors.
      I have a Roland UM-One adapter on order, since they are an 'industry standard', as some of my older Edirol adapters are not Windows 10 compatible.

    • gumtownbassman

      gumtownbassman - 2019-01-15

      A quick reply to say I have checked with a Roland UM-One device, and found the same results.
      It seems that Windows 10 has decided to handle USB midi device adapters differently, and sends device reset messages each time the device is closed, which FxFloorBoard does (closes midi device) after every data transaction.
      The editors will need to be modified and updated to work around this issue, so at the moment, stand alone USB-Midi devices and FxFloorBoard on Windows 10 does not work properly.
      Windows 7/8 still works with FxFloorBoard.
      This does not affect GT devices like the GT-10/100 which have a USB-Midi converter built in, only external midi devices on Windows 10.

  • Gewgaws

    Gewgaws - 2021-04-02

    Hello, all. Re-reviving this thread.

    My buddy just gifted me his old GT-6 and it didn't take much web research to find gumtownbassman's well-regarded resources. I'm excited to explore the GT-6's potential through a visual interface. Constanty leaning down to tweak settings IS killing my back.

    I see from the 2019-01-15 post that there are known issues with the way Windows 10 handles USB midi devices, which breaks FxFloorBoard. I also see that the Last Modified date for GT6FxFloorBoard is 18 months later. Does that mean that stand alone USB-Midi devices and FXFloorBoard are expected to play together nicely again?

    If so, am I correct in understanding that all I have to do is buy a Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB MIDI Interface, connect the pedal, install the software and...magic happens? Is there a "getting started" or basic "how to" document anywhere?


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