
FunctionalJ / News: Recent posts

FunctionalJ 1.0 Released

FunctionalJ 1.0 for JDK 1.5+ has been released.

Posted by Frederic Daoud 2008-12-11

FunctionalJ version 0.8 released

FunctionalJ is a library which makes it easy to use functional programming constructs in Java code.

FunctionalJ provides the following features:

* Easily represent functions as objects
* Code with functional programming patterns such as mapping, filtering, and folding
* Use parameter binding, also known as partial application
* Write methods which accept functions as parameters and/or return functions as a result (higher-order functions)
* Replace procedural code with functional code for simpler, less error-prone computations
* Define functions by implementing an interface, subclassing a base class, or with a reflection mechanism, according to your preference
* The reflection mechanism makes it easy to create functions that refer to existing constructors, instance methods, or static methods
* No need to deal with exceptions if you don't want to.... read more

Posted by Fred Daoud 2006-08-28

FunctionalJ version 0.7.2 released

FunctionalJ is an open source library for Functional Programming in Java.

Version 0.7.2 includes the option of not using reflection to define functions, a new filterNot() method, corrections to the ComposedFunction class, and other minor improvements.

For more information please refer to

Thank you for using FunctionalJ!
-Frederic Daoud

Posted by Fred Daoud 2006-02-20

FunctionalJ version 0.7.1 released

FunctionalJ is an open source library for Functional Programming in Java.

Version 0.7.1 includes additional convenience constructors and methods, performance enhancements, and other minor improvements.

For more information please refer to

Thank you for using FunctionalJ!
-Frederic Daoud

Posted by Fred Daoud 2006-01-25

FunctionalJ version 0.7 released

FunctionalJ is an open source library for Functional Programming in Java.

With FunctionalJ, developers continue using Java with all of its object-oriented features, and use functional programming patterns where useful, without any special modifications to the original code.

FunctionalJ makes it easy to represent functions as objects, use partial function application (currying), higher-order functions, and functional paradigms such as mapping, folding, and more.... read more

Posted by Fred Daoud 2006-01-08