
Funambol v3.0 beta 4 is out

The Funambol Project Team is pleased to announce that v3.0 beta 4 has been released.

You can download beta 4 here:

...and see what's new in beta 4 here:

Included in this release:
+ Funambol Server bundle for Windows
+ Funambol Server bundle for Linux
+ Windows Mobile Client Plug-in
+ Outlook Client Plug-in
+ iPod Client Plug-in
+ Java GUI Client Plug-in
+ Email Connector
+ Client API for C++
+ Client API for J2SE
Individual Components
+ Admin Tool
+ DS Server

Our approach to systematically improve quality is paying off. The community has been exceptional in this regard finding and posting on the tracker over 50 valid bugs in the past 3 months! This is quite an accomplishment and something for everyone to be proud of. Thank you all for your diligence.

Best regards,

Jason Finkelstein
Funambol Community Manager

p.s. - We continue to collect community input on feature preferences for
v3.5 of the software which is in its planning stages now. If you have not yet done so, please take this short survey to voice your preferences:

funambol :: mobile open source

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-05-30

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