
Flat-file SQL / News: Recent posts

New release upcoming and GitHub

So after the almost complete rewrite of old 1.4 beta was dropped, whenever a bug was found in 1.3.1 or a small feature request in last couple years, I had a modified copy on my PC with the changes. I thought it was lost when my PC crashed months ago. But I found it yesterday. Plus, Pedro Di Martino had his own modified with some more bug fixes in it. So I started merging some of these together to make a new bug fix release for 1.3.1. Should be out in next week or so depending on how much I find and want to add.... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2015-07-30

fSQL v1.4 Beta Status Update 2

It's been a while since I've done one of these. Plus there's something important for people using the SVN beta to know so their old code keeps working.

The next release of fSQL is progressing nicely. Just turned out to be a much larger update than I had originally planned. A lot of the original 2.0 stuff is finding its way into the Beta.

New highlights:
- Multiple drivers/backends
- Views
- Keys
- Vendor-specific extensions
- Better concurrency
- Prepared Statements?... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2010-04-12

Two new developers and the web page moved

First, welcome to Yavuz and Will as two new developers on the team who will be helping me get PHP fSQL v1.4 out soon and then finally build a Perl version.

Second, the fSQL home page has been moved to:

It finally has a functional downloads and support page too.

The old SF hosted page will left there for the moment but no longer updated. All new docs for v1.4 will go on the new site and not the old one. Soon I will make the old one redirect to the new one.

Posted by Steven Buberl 2010-03-30

fSQL v1.4 Beta Status Update

While fSQL v1.4 still lives in SVN and is unready for a stable release, there's lot of new features going in. And I just coming up with more to fit in, which keeps pushing back the schedule. The latest is a very big rearchitecture that affects everything. But you still probably wouldn't notice unless I pointed it out.

New features:
1. In-memory databases
2. Schemas
3. System information database
Planned features:
3. More SQL Standard features and types... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2009-09-22

fSQL v1.4.0 Beta is in SVN

For the last few weeks, I've been using SVN here to version control my code regularly. In the SVN's php/fSQLv1.x/branch folder, there is an early beta of fSQL v1.4.0.

Its still in development so there are more features on the way and bugs to fix, but the major new features v1.4.0 will offer:
- Simple and more efficient WHERE handling
- Complete rewrite of SELECT expression lists
- Proper NULL handling in WHERE clauses and function calls
- Support for GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
- Proper support for all Date/Time types.... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2009-08-31

fSQL v1.3.1 Released

Flat-file SQL (fSQL) is a set of classes available in PHP and Perl that allows users without SQL database servers to select and manipulate flat-file data using SQL queries. fSQL is designed to support as many SQL queries and features as it can.

This update is a bug fixing update that deals primarily with SQL query parser bugs specifically in SELECT and CREATE TABLE.

Also, stay tuned for fSQL v1.4 which has been in development for the last two weeks. Its main goal will be to rewrite and improve the SELECT statements for better joining, WHERE clauses, and function evaluation plus some SQL features that have been left out of fSQL until now. I was planning to wait until fSQL v2 to make these improvements but I'll add them to both series.... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2008-12-04

fSQL v1.3 Released

Flat-file SQL(fSQL) is a set of classes available in PHP that allows users without SQL database servers (like mySQL) to store and select their data using SQL queries. fSQL is designed to support as many SQL queries and features (primarily based on mySQL) as it can.

First off, I need to apologize for version 1.2. I rewrote so much of it so quickly that a lot of important things like writing to tables that got some serious bugs that blocked almost inserts. And there was some small bugs in reading it back. These bugs got introduced right before the release and they were missed. I've been getting emails about 1.2 for years and I knew they were there but I never had time to fix it.... read more

Posted by Steven Buberl 2008-10-31

fSQL v1.2 Released

After a very long time, fSQL has been officially updated. This includes the v1.1 patches (known as v1.1.2) provided by noenflux as well many other bug fixes and removal/fix of all code what causes warnings (on all levels) on PHP. The new version also upgrades the table structure, allowing faster and easier use. But please note that this means that data tables from previous releases are no compatible with the new version. Please keep that in mind before upgrading. The API has been upgraded to have a better object-oriented design that allows easier upgrades in the future. In addition, the new version adds support for new SQL features and queries. For the official list of changes, view the change log associated with the release or the CHANGES file included in the release.

Posted by Steven Buberl 2006-04-25

About fSQL

This site hasn't been updated recently, but I updated it today with PHP fSQL version 1.0. This version is a beta but stable. All required SQL queries are now supported.

There is a Perl version which is not as stable, and will released at a later time.

Posted by Steven Buberl 2003-05-01


I began the development of fSQL a few days ago. Its parses queries just like MySQL does. All SQL queries will not work due to modification of features and removal of features that aren't necessary on a flat-file system. So far, the CREATE, INSERT, and some SELECT queries are supported. These functions are not done but they have enough for most of your needs. I will add a release after I add support for a few more queries like UPDATE and DELETE.

Posted by Steven Buberl 2002-09-02