
Fast Secure File System / News: Recent posts

Fast Secure File System 0.1.1 released

Release 0.1.1 of the Fast Secure File System is
now available. This release fixes two bugs present
in release 0.1.0, that affected the creation of
sockets and the Python configuration utilities.
See the Release Notes and ChangeLog for more

FSFS (Fast Secure File System) is a
cryptographically secure, user space, scalable,
client-server file system that runs on top of an
existing file system on the server (ext3, xfs...).
It allows secure export of data to clients and
remains scalable when many clients are using the
system by separating cryptography from the server. ... read more

Posted by Nicola Cocchiaro 2007-08-12

Fast Secure File System 0.1.0 released

Release 0.1.0 of the Fast Secure File System is now available. Many improvements went into this release, among which: server support for Mac OS X 10.3 and above, new Python configuration utilities for client and server daemons, important bug fixes and protocol changes, improved Debian packages. See the Release Notes for more details.

FSFS (Fast Secure File System) is a cryptographically secure, user space, scalable, client-server file system that runs on top of an existing file system on the server (ext3, xfs...). It allows secure export of data to clients and remains scalable when many clients are using the system by separating cryptography from the server. ... read more

Posted by Nicola Cocchiaro 2007-01-17

Fast Secure File System 0.0.2 i386 Debian packages released

Debian packages for FSFS for i386 architectures have been released. We apologize for the wait. The new packages can be found on the SourceForge project page or in the new unofficial Debian repository where Debian packages for other architectures will also be found in the future (see below).

FSFS (Fast Secure File System) is a cryptographically secure, user space, scalable, client-server file system that runs on top of an existing file system on the server (ext3, xfs...). It allows secure export of data to clients and remains scalable when many clients are using the system by separating cryptography from the server.... read more

Posted by Nicola Cocchiaro 2006-10-10

Fast Secure File System 0.0.2 released

After a somewhat long break version 0.0.2 of the Fast Secure File System has been released. FSFS is a distributed, cryptographically secure user space file system that allows secure transfer and storage of file data on remote servers; it is written in C with FUSE and OpenSSL for Linux. Its key idea is to separate cryptography from the server for efficiency and scalability.

The new release fixes a potential denial of service attack on the client by changing the login process slightly and adding more security checks; it is thus advised to upgrade both servers and clients. Configuration scripts have also been improved and other bug fixes and tweaks have been made throughout the source files and the Makefiles. Work is underway to port the server to other operating systems and to add new features.... read more

Posted by Nicola Cocchiaro 2006-07-21

FSFS - Fast Secure File System 0.0.1

The first public release of FSFS is out.

FSFS is a secure, distributed file system in user
space for GNU/Linux x86 and PPC systems, built
with FUSE and OpenSSL and released under the GPL.

It exports existing directories over the network
in a secure manner, letting clients mount them
remotely to store encrypted data. FSFS aims to be
scalable by leaving file data (and file names)
cryptography to clients, thus freeing the servers
of additional work.... read more

Posted by Nicola Cocchiaro 2005-11-17