
#144 More useful behavior when clicking on queued tech

Next Release

On the forums Jsena wrote:
"(2) Queued tech descriptions: If you queue up a bunch of technologies and subsequently forget what one of them does, you try to single-click on that tech to find out. That brings to where in the tech tree that tech is, so that you can click on it from there... unless you're in tree view and have on filters, in which case it does absolutely nothing. Why not just bring up the description when you click on it from the queue?"

I tried it out and i agree. The thing the player is most likely to want to see when single-left clicking on a tech in the queue is the description of that tech. Currently the description area reflects what is selected in the tree/list, but not what is selected in the queue.

Zooming to the position in the tree, is not useless but not obviously always wanted. Ideally the zooming would happen in the list too.

The question of weather zooming should always happen, and if tech selection should be separate in queue and tree/list or the same across both are a little trickier, and i'd rather put them off until there's been a chance to get used to the chance suggested above.


  • Geoff Topping

    Geoff Topping - 2010-03-22

    This has now been implemented in the latest FreeOrion code in the
    Subversion repository.

  • Geoff Topping

    Geoff Topping - 2010-03-22
    • status: open --> closed