
#137 Display at 2560x1600

Per Trygve

Is there a reason why FreeOrion does not support 2560x1600 resulution?


  • Per Trygve

    Per Trygve - 2008-11-17

    I found out by looking at the forum how easy this is to fix. Just add the text below at the file resolutions.txt
    2560 x 1600 @ 16
    2560 x 1600 @ 32

  • Per Trygve

    Per Trygve - 2008-11-17

    After a bit more testing I found that this does not seem to work since when I use this it just sets resulution at 1024x768 next time I start and do not change the resultion

  • Geoff Topping

    Geoff Topping - 2008-11-22

    You may have better luck if you run in windowed mode. I believe FreeOrion gets its max possible fullscreen resolution from SDL (or some other similar bit of library outside our control) and won't set its fullscreen size bigger than that, which apparently can fail on some larger resolutions. If you run in windowed mode (without -f on the command line) you s hould be able to go bigger. A quick test for me suggests there's a hard limit of 2048 by 1536, which may be hard-coded, but is larger than my monitor, and is at least closer to the size you want. If it is hard coded, and not another consequence of some library telling FO that's the biggest size my screen can be, then we should change that limit to something larger.

  • Geoff Topping

    Geoff Topping - 2008-12-09

    This has now been implemented in the latest GG code in the
    Subversion repository. (GG is the GUI library that FreeOrion uses.)

  • Geoff Topping

    Geoff Topping - 2008-12-09
    • status: open --> closed