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Marco Wolf Martin Mueller Kandy Mai

MUSE - Measurement Uncertainty Simulation and Evaluation

The aim of our project is to develop a simulation system to calculate the measurement uncertainty corresponding to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and the first supplement to the GUM that introduces Monte Carlo simulation for measurement uncertainty evaluation. The project is the result of two projects combined into one piece of software.

On this page we provide information about the language defintion (XML) of MUSE and how you can use MUSE efficiently. The documentation is subdivided into

  • Modeling - How to bring a model formula with different distributions into MUSE
  • Calculation - How to start a calculation with MUSE
  • Interpretation - How to interpret the results of a calculation

Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask questions or for feature requests. We appreciate feedback and would be very interested in your applications of MUSE. Each user can (and should) bring in his experience with MUSE.

Information about MUSE

The software project MUSE is the result of two phd theses. The documentation of the theses can be found here:

We plan to migrate the full wiki from Please be aware that this is still work in progress.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.


Wiki: Advanced calculations
Wiki: Calculation
Wiki: High resolution modeling
Wiki: Modeling