


Here is a list of persons and contributions that made FreeLords. Only people who have contributed to the Java port are included here, a lot of contributors to the C++ code can be found in the AUTHORS file shipped with older releases. Nevertheless thanks to them all!

This list should be current for revision 1111.

Original idea

Michael Bartl


Andrea Paternesi
Anton Kirillov
Emanuele Blanco
Leonel Iturralde
Manish Ghildiyal
Marcus Waters
Mladen Uzelac
Pana Ion
Paul Statham
Premkumar Bhaskal
Rene Huic
Sartios Savramis
Theodoros Theodoridis
Tom Taylor
Ulf Lorenz

Contributions to the original Java code

James Andrews
Andrew Grillage
Travis Dixon
Jan Keller
Neil Hoskins
Gary Lengkong


Jonathan Blois
Niels van Berkel
villuvillu (full name unknown)
Rene Saucedo
Regis Leroy


Max von Juntz (full name unknown)
Israel Lopez

Further contributions

The project also acknowledges helpful discussions, small code examples or hints from various persons, among them: Daniel Toffetti, Abdallah El-Malak, Stephen McGruer, Immanuel Scholz, Niels Thykier.


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