
Fraternity Web Records and Accounting / News: Recent posts

Intrest Needed [YOU CAN HELP]

This project has been moving quite slowly as the need for interested parties is greatly needed. Developers and end-user testers would be a God send for this project please contact the administrator to help support this project.

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2007-11-30

New Core

The Fraternity Web Records and Accounting is looking to switch over to the 'Perfect-Portal' project. It is also hosted by SourceForge. This new framework will give more developer freedom and a better user experience. The one down side is poor security, which is being worked on and should be ready by a release date.

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2006-10-04

Core Ready For Package Development

The core installer and core libarary are now working at a level capable of supporting new packages. They are by no means complete but they are ready to start testing packages on. Once a core install method is created a Developer's package will be downloadable, allong with a package start kit.

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2006-06-17

New Developers

We have just added three new developers to the project. They will be working on packages for installation into the core. Once a core release version is created complete documentation will be available to other developers looking to add or help with packages.

The new developers are currently working on the followign functionality:
- Language Abstraction Layer
- Financial Package
- Front-End Content Managment System ... read more

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2006-06-06

Project Structure Update

I am in the process of developing UML Scketches for the different packages in the project. These should be available soon. Go to our homepage for the latest information on the project.

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2006-05-26

Project Structure

I have setup the project structure for version 1 and development has begun. The structure is security minded and documentation friendly.

Posted by Martin Dale Lyness 2006-05-18