
Framewave 1.3 first dev drop is now available for download

Date: 02/Sept/2008

Framewave 1.3 first development drop is now available for download

Download URL:

OR directly from

Here are some highlights for this development drop:

* Added memory management function in Signals (Feature Req: 2003031)

* Added image conversion functions for floating point to 8/16 bit (Feature Req: 2003036)

* Further optimization of JPEG color conversion functions involving YCbCr, RGB and Y

Please see the Release Notes for additional details.

Release notes can be accessed from the following URL:

Thanks to all who have submitted feedback and requests. We're actively working on many of your requests for implementation in Framewave 1.3.
Please download and check out the 1.3 development drop, and continue to send us your valued feedback.

Posted by pksv 2008-09-02

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