
#1 Title, tag and description backup?


This is a great utility. However as I've got my photos stored locally
and on the Flickr servers themselves, I don't feel too much of a need
to backup the photos themselves.

However: I've often wished I could backup all of the titles, tags and
descriptions I've written. Being able to store the comments and
notes others have written would be great as well.

I realize this might be beyond the scope of your app, but I think
there's a definite need for the ability to backup the textual information
associated with each photo as well as the photos themselves.


  • Stuart Colville

    Stuart Colville - 2005-09-28

    Logged In: YES

    Yep I'd second that!

  • Andrew Serff

    Andrew Serff - 2005-09-30

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, it isn't beyond it. I have thought of backing up
    al the metadata associated will the pictures you download.
    I would also like to make it searchable as well. It might
    be a while before all of that happens, but it is on my list.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i'll second this. write the title, tag and description into
    IPTC and then many other apps and services will be able to
    read it.

    this would save quite a bit of time.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I think Flickr could store those comments and tags in the
    meta data of the photo? I don't know if they do though...
    probably not I guess.

  • Andrew Serff

    Andrew Serff - 2006-09-04

    Logged In: YES

    As of V1.0, flickr photo/set titles will be used as
    filenames if you want. So part of this may be satisified
    for you guys. My next big feature to work on it saving
    tags/description in the EFIX data.

  • Butch

    Butch - 2007-08-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi serff,

    Any update on getting Flickr Backup to save the tag/description info in the picture when it is backed up?

    I have a LOT of my pics that I am needing to backup locally with the tag/description info that has been input directly on the flickr website by users, so that I can catalog it on my local PC.

    I'm getting kind of desperate to find something that will do this, but am at a dead end...


  • Dr. Bernhard Riedl

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi serff,

    thanks for this neat piece of software. - i really appreciate your work.
    how is the development on the backup of tags/descriptions goin'?


  • Dr. Bernhard Riedl

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    a second thought. - flickr reads the gps-position from the exif tags if provided. - nevertheless, they store this information separately. - thus, it would also be a good idea, to get the current geo-information from flickr and update the exif tags.

    thanks once more

  • Andrew Serff

    Andrew Serff - 2008-01-11

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Adding the functionality to backup title, description, tags, and copyright are pretty much done. I am just waiting for some license issues to get resolved before I can release it. Also, this will NOT be part of FlickrBackup. FlickrBackup is being phased out in favor of our new application FlickrEdit ( Please keep your eyes on the Sunkencity Blog for product announcements.

    And on the geo info, I'll definitely look into that. I hadn't thought of that, but it is a great idea. Thanks berny!



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