
a smoother emigration?

  • fire

    fire - 2006-09-08

    The folks at has practically made FlickrBackup the downloader of choice. Congrats.

    1) But is there a way to directly migrate from flickr to zoto, without needing to download the pics onto our hard drive?

    2) is there a way to migrate the pics so that it includes all other info (geotags, tags, etc)

    • Andrew Serff

      Andrew Serff - 2006-09-09

      While I never intended FlickrBackup to be used to migrate away from flickr, I know that some people use it that way.  That being said, I'm just happy I could help you all out!  It would be possible to make FlickrBackup do what you are asking, but it would definately take me a while.  If you know anyone who would be willing to help, I would definately consider making a new "Send To" option in which you transfer files to another service.  I know people would like this over at other services like zooomer as well.  If you know of a java library alrady build for zoto, that would help too.  Let me know if you would like to help out and i'll see what I can come up with.

      • fire

        fire - 2006-09-09

        Zoto Staff has an uploader program for Linux at

        That may not be what you're looking for, though.

        • Andrew Serff

          Andrew Serff - 2006-09-09

          No, not really.  I need a java implementation of their API.  I can generate my own client I suppose, but would be easier if there was already one there.  If I get time, I might start playing with it.  I think I'm going to have to add a generic framework for an action to be performed on the selected files first though. So that might take a bit of refactoring.  I'll let you know if I do anything. 


          • fire

            fire - 2006-09-09

            maybe if the zoto staff was contacted, they have some Java/api already available? i haven't checked.


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