
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 25 results of 25

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
25 Add "Verify" Column between "In Progress" and "Done" None open 2010-08-16 2010-08-16  
24 remember login None open 2010-04-29 2010-04-29  
23 Set actual work of a task None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
22 Edit sprint double-clicking on the sprint tab None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
21 Maximum length of title field should be a bit greater None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
20 Order sprint tabs None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
19 Set a sprint as the current one None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
18 Change sprint without leaving the task board None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
17 See details of a user story on the task board None open 2010-03-16 2010-03-16  
16 Double-click event on the Products window None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
15 Check if exists a registered Sprint with the same name None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
14 Start date and End date restrictions in the Sprint window None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
13 Refresh grid when removing a task None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
12 Refresh grid when removing a backlog item None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
11 User password should be saved encrypted None open 2010-02-26 2010-02-26  
10 Add color to team members tasks in Task Board. Next Release (example) open 2010-02-11 2010-02-11  
9 Add templates to Backlog and generation items from template Next Release (example) open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
8 Add copy-paste oprion to stories in Product Backlog None open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
7 Add sorting to Product Backlog Next Release (example) open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
6 Add searching to Product Backlog None open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
5 Add user time capacity and actual time allocation in sprint None open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
4 Add Sprint Burndown for every user Next Release (example) open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
3 Add user filter to Task Board Next Release (example) open 2010-01-16 2010-01-16  
2 Add new story to the end(!) of the backlog None open 2009-12-17 2009-12-17  
1 Taskboard - Change the tasks to another backlog item None open 2009-09-03 2009-09-03  
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