
#4445 redis 2.8.19


Supersedes [#4430]. This update brings the packaged version of Redis to the latest stable release, 2.8.19. Verified that the package builds fine and tests run clean for me.

2 Attachments


Package Submissions: #4430


  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • Group: Undergoing_Validation --> Awaiting_Update_from_Submitter
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    Seems to have the same problems as the previous release:

    1) It kept asking for my admin password

    2) several tests failed with this error:

    [err]: Cant' start the Redis server
    CONFIGURATION:notify-keyspace-events KEA
    daemonize no
    pidfile /var/run/
    port 21223
    timeout 0
    loglevel verbose
    logfile ''
    databases 16
    latency-monitor-threshold 1
    save 60 10000
    rdbcompression yes
    dbfilename dump.rdb
    dir ./tests/tmp/server.11504.3
    slave-serve-stale-data yes
    appendonly no
    appendfsync everysec
    no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
    activerehashing yes
    requirepass foobar

    Amongst other things, it looks like it's still trying to write to the system var instead of /sw/var like the patch file says.

    3) This time it didn't hang at the end of the tests, but errored out like this:

    [exception]: Executing test client: could not set permissions for file "./tests/tmp/server.rdb-startup-test.11511.6/dump.rdb": no such file or directory.
    could not set permissions for file "./tests/tmp/server.rdb-startup-test.11511.6/dump.rdb": no such file or directory
        while executing
    "file attributes [file join $server_path dump.rdb] -permissions 0222"
        (file "tests/integration/rdb.tcl" line 54)
        invoked from within
    "source $path"
        (procedure "execute_tests" line 4)
        invoked from within
    "execute_tests $data"
        (procedure "test_client_main" line 10)
        invoked from within
    "test_client_main $::test_server_port "
    Killing still running Redis server 11528
    Killing still running Redis server 11532
    Killing still running Redis server 11539
    Killing still running Redis server 11546
    Killing still running Redis server 11545
    Killing still running Redis server 11550
    Killing still running Redis server 11555
    Killing still running Redis server 11556
    Killing still running Redis server 11557
    Killing still running Redis server 11630
    Killing still running Redis server 11740
    Killing still running Redis server 11745
    Killing still running Redis server 11760
    Killing still running Redis server 11765
    Killing still running Redis server 11780
    Killing still running Redis server 11785
    Killing still running Redis server 11797
    Killing still running Redis server 11805
    Killing still running Redis server 11810
    Killing still running Redis server 11863
    Killing still running Redis server 11868
    Killing still running Redis server 11876
    Killing still running Redis server 11878
    Killing still running Redis server 11895
    Killing still running Redis server 11906
    Killing still running Redis server 11926
    Killing still running Redis server 11935
    Killing still running Redis server 11954
    Killing still running Redis server 11963
    Killing still running Redis server 11974
    Killing still running Redis server 12000
    Killing still running Redis server 12009
    Killing still running Redis server 12029
    Killing still running Redis server 12038
    Killing still running Redis server 12048
    Killing still running Redis server 12075
    Killing still running Redis server 12084
    Killing still running Redis server 12103
    Makefile:211: recipe for target 'test' failed
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: Awaiting_Update_from_Submitter --> Supplanted
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    Supplanted by [#4628]



    Package Submissions: #4628

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