
#4426 Freeciv 2.4.3 update

David Lowe

This version again passes validation & --b-a-n, though i am still not able to test on 10.9.

Freeciv was pinged on the latest build world for pkg-config failure related to GTK3. Freeciv can build a GTK3 client, but it is 'not ready for prime time'; in any case it can't get built in Fink until we get an updated Glib2 package. We're stuck with GK2 anyway until i have another go at splitoffs. I'm not sure that i can do anything else to address the alleged failure.

This version includes a temporary patch to do without a function call provided by the newer Glib2.

1 Attachments


  • David Lowe

    David Lowe - 2014-09-06

    Now the important files get attached.

  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    • status: open --> closed-accepted
    • Group: Undergoing_Validation --> Added_to_Fink
  • Hanspeter Niederstrasser

    The GTK3 buildworld 'failure' is just a false positive since the buildworld filters are too crude to differentiate between an expected configure test failure and a real buildtime failure. In this case, it's actually fixable by replacing the generic --enable-client=gtk with the more specific --enable-client=gtk2 --enable-fcmp=gtk2. Using those flags, the GTK3 test is never even run.

    I've checked the new freeciv into CVS with that change.


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