
FindThatWord / News: Recent posts

Translators wanted

Our statistics suggest that most FindThatWord users don't have English as their first language. Unfortunately, we only speak English ourselves, so we're looking for translators.

Please get in touch, either through the forums or by email, if you're able to help.

Posted by jonny 2010-09-22

New release coming soon

We're working on the next release and it should be ready soon. Planned features include export to HTML (unnheulu's favourite), difficulty settings, hidden clues, extra formatting options, printing on Windows and internationalisation. Most of these are already working, but we're promising nothing for the final release.

Check back soon.

Posted by jonny 2010-09-22

Version 0.1 released

The initial version of FindThatWord has been released. Despite the early release number, it already has a full feature set. Enjoy.

Posted by jonny 2009-01-21

Version 0.1 nearly ready

The first version of FindThatWord is nearly ready, and will be posted to Sourceforge in the next couple of days. The Windows installer has been completed and we're presently resolving a couple of issues with desktop integration with the .deb and .rpm packages for Linux users.

Version 0.1 has a couple of rough spots - printing doesn't work on Windows (export to pdf instead and print that), and the recent file chooser only works with the Gnome desktop. And you can't get to edit fonts or colours, but you can work around that limitation by exporting to text and using a word processor to add some spit'n'polish.... read more

Posted by jonny 2009-01-20