
FlightGear Scenery Designer / News: Recent posts

fgsd 0.2.3 released

FGSD is a tool to hand edit and design custom sceneries for the FlightGear Flight Simulator (

This release is intended to follow recent changes made to the FlightGear project : API changes in SimGear, new scenery layout and shared objects. Multiple path and Terrain subfolder are now fully supported. Several bugs are also fixed and GTS 0.7.2 is now required.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2004-09-20

fgsd 0.2.2 released

FGSD is a tool to hand edit and design custom sceneries for the FlightGear Flight Simulator (

The main purpose of this release is to remove dependency with unstable fltk v2. fltk 1.1.4 is now required to build fgsd. New features include UTM support and ability to change the material of a face.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2004-02-21

fgsd 0.2.1 released

FGSD is a tool to hand edit and design custom sceneries for the FlightGear Flight Simulator (

Many bugs have been fixed in this release. There is also a new menu to import sceneries by their file names and a new menu to start FlightGear at the location pointed by the mouse.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2003-05-02

fgsd 0.2.0 released

FGSD is a tool to hand edit and design custom sceneries for the FlightGear Flight Simulator ( There is a big overhaul in this release. GTS is now mandatory and is used for its computational geometry algorithms. Get it at With this overhaul, we are getting a much smother shadow calculation, a new Slope Gradient view, a new and extensible toolbar system and the ability to modifiy terrain with height ( hypsographic ) curves. Export to FGFS scenery format is also functional.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2003-04-02

New 0.1.1 release

Some minor evolutions/bug fixes in this release : several button and menu labels corrected, a new 'About' box, ability to zoom with Ctrl num +/- and data centered at low zoom level.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2003-02-01

Preliminary vertex editing added

It is now possible to change vertex position and altitude. The resulted changes can be exported to .btg files and loaded in FlightGear

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2002-06-05

Undo system activated

A new undo system has been commited to CVS. It even allows to undo work done in a previous session by storing the action log as the new format for sdp projects. Old format is still valid but converted in the new on save.

Posted by Frederic Bouvier 2002-05-27