
FFTW++: 1.13 Released

FFTW++ provides a simple C++ interface for 1D, 2D, and 3D complex-to-complex, real-to-complex, and complex-to-real Fast Fourier Transforms that takes care of the technical aspects of memory allocation, alignment, planning, and wisdom. Wrappers for multiple 1D transforms are also provided. As with the FFTW3 library, in-place and out-of-place multithreaded transforms of arbitrary size are supported. Implicit dealiasing of standard and centered Hermitian convolutions is also implemented; in 2D and 3D this implicit zero-padding substantially reduces memory usage and computation time.

Wrappers and examples for C, Python, and Fortran were added. Optimized ternary convolutions were implemented. Multithreaded initialization was improved.

Posted by John Bowman 2012-10-28

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