

The trimmer allows to split an input file into one or more parts (segments). If there is no segment in the list, the whole input file will be encoded. Splitting the input file into segments is useful i.e. when you have commercials in your source video, or want to extract the opening & ending of an anime.


To add a new segment to the list, click the Add + button. The new segment will be added with the start/end time of the current position of the preview slider.

To change the start/end time, select (highlight) the segment in the list and move the slider in the preview panel to the desired position. Then click the From{ or }To button, depending if you want this position as start or end time for the selected segment.

To delete an existing segment, select (highlight) the segment and click the Del - button.

To navigate in the preview panel to the start/end time of a segment, select (highlight) the segment in the list and right click the mouse to open a context menu. In the menu click the To Start or To End entry to jump to the segment start/end time.

If you want to automatically append the segments into a single file, check the Concatenate File Segments box (currently experimental, requires the latest ffmpeg build).

Tasks, Streams & Segments

In editing mode you can only trim files when a single video stream is selected (highlighted) which acts as the reference stream for the segment timcodes, but when actually encoding the segment settings will be used for all checked video and audio streams of the corresponding task.



Documentation: index
Documentation: overview