
ferite programming language / News: Recent posts

ferite 1.0 and modules

After 5 years of work, ferite has reached the intrepid 1.0 release. Along with release we have a load of modules to compliment the release. The language has reached maturity and has been used with great success. More details on

Posted by Chris Ross 2005-05-30

ferite 0.99.0

ferite has finally been released. After much hard graft and secret work it has now been unleashed in pre-release-we-are-heading-towards-1.0 mode :-)

Posted by Chris Ross 2001-08-21

Help wanted

The ferite scripting engine is moving along nicely, but more developers (to work on the core engine and langauge, modules to build an API), documentation writers are needed. If you are interested please get in contact.

Posted by Chris Ross 2000-12-06