
EFL Educational programs / News: Recent posts

Verbi Irregolari 3 for Linux

After a long time, verbi Irregolari 3 for Linux has been released at last!

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2006-07-17

SFRASI Italian version

The complete Italian translation has been releaed today July 16 2006. This translation has been written for all those Italian teachers who do not know English.

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2006-07-16

Verbi Irregolari 4 released

After a long long time, Verbi irregolari 4 both for Linux (written in Gambas) and - as soon as possible - for Win 32 too has been released. "Verbi Irregolari 4" is a utility for EFL teachers which helps them to create lists of irregular verbs with one of the three voices (Infinitive, Past Tense, Past Participle)or even the meaning of the verb, missing. The teacher can at that point copy & parste this list in his/her written exercises or tests.

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2006-07-16

Verbi irregolari 3 Released

The Windows version of a new CAI program - Verbi irregolari 3 - has been removd as I realized some there were some bugs - I am very sorry.

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2005-08-14

Word Quiz Version 2

Word Quiz Version 2: Some minor bug fixed and a splash screen added. Enjoy it!

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2004-08-07

EFL Educational programs Project - A presentation

Sorry if I announce it only today, but I spent all yesterday to prepare it better. Well, my EFL Educational programs Project is born at last. As the project summary says It concerns various EFL programs written and meant for both pupils and their teachers as well. I really hope they will be helpful. Please, from time to time, visit the site I have just prepared for this project: For the time being there are only two programs, but I hope that they will be many more as time goes by. A special thanks to Sourceforge staff who assited me in many ways and has been so patient.

Posted by Stefano Franzato 2004-07-24