
Skins  Maximize  Restore

In this page you can publish and exchange your own skins to the community. Just give a title to your skin, zip it and attach it to your message.

Showing 8 results of 8

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
8 New version of Office2007Real None open 2010-01-15 2014-08-31  
7 Odi-Digital Skin None open 2009-02-07 2009-02-07  
6 Office 2007 Real None open 2007-04-21 2007-04-21  
5 ChromeDeluxe skin None open 2007-04-21 2007-04-21  
4 Office 2007 Style Skin None open 2007-04-10 2007-04-10  
3 famfamfamAluminum skin None open 2007-04-01 2007-04-01  
2 Office2003Blue skin None open 2006-02-05 2006-02-05  
1 SilverNarrow skin None open 2006-02-05 2006-02-05  
  • Ticket Number
  • Summary
  • Milestone
  • Status
  • Owner
  • Creator
  • Created
  • Updated
  • Labels
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