

Tomassino Ferrauto Stefano Nolfi
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Customizing the environment

The characteristics of the environment in which the robots are situated and eventually the way in which the environment is re-initialized during different periods of the robots' lifetime (trials) are usually specified within the source code of the experimental plugins (with the exception of few aspects that can be set through parameters). The exemplificative experiments provide several examples on how the environment con be configured and initialized. In this section we provide a systematic description of the Arena component and of the Worldsim library that can be used for that purpose.

The Arena component has been designed to support the creation of environment for wheeled robots that tipically operate over a planar surface. The Worldsim library, instead, has been designed for other type of environments.

For exerimental plugin based on the EvoRobotComponent class, the source code specifying the creation and configuration of the environment is tipically enclosed or called within the postConfigureInitialization() or InitIndividual() or InitTrial() functions (see Creating a new experiment for more details).


Manual: ArenaComponent
Manual: ComponentBaseExperiment
Manual: CreatingNewExperiment
Manual: Home
Manual: ProgrammingFitnessFunction
Manual: Worldsim



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