
Rendering problem of GUI

  • nu00un

    nu00un - 2015-01-10

    Face Treck No IR 1 7

    On a Dell XPS Laptop

  • Wim Vriend

    Wim Vriend - 2015-01-11

    Hi nu00un,

    Do you have Large Fonts ON in Windows?
    Thanks for reporting it. Though it's not been reported earlier, so I guess very few have problems with it...

    • nu00un

      nu00un - 2015-01-11

      Native resolution on this laptop is 3200x1800, so all applications are to small to use...

      I guess it has to do with the "Make text and other items larger or smaller" option on the "Screen Resolution" under "Control Panel" - that you have to use when the resolution is 3200x1800 on 15" screen.

  • Danilo Poccia

    Danilo Poccia - 2017-02-10

    I am having this problem, and I think in the future this will be more and more common as 4K screens are easy to get now. The only fix for me is to change the resolution of Windows to FHD when I use this tool, which is unfortunate. Are you planning to help us with this issue? Thanks!

  • WL

    WL - 2017-02-10

    I have the same issue.I don't know a sollution for it, but I use a tool to change the resolution with a hotkey.It doesn'r solve it but it makes it easier.It's name is HRC – HotKey Resolution Changer and free to use.

  • Terence Horsnell

    Yep. I've got this, only worse. Posted it elsewhere in this section but got no replies. Can someone tell me whatsetting I need to tweak? I'm quite new to Windows 10, or indeed any windows system for that matter.

  • sf4JC

    sf4JC - 2017-02-10

    Hello Terence are you still on a Mac? Not sure if that's your problem or not


  • Terence Horsnell

    Yep. Using bootcamp.


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