
Extcalc / News: Recent posts

Extcalc v0.9.2 released

Extcalc is a multifunctional scientific graphic calculator for linux with features like graph drawing, graph analysis and calculating scientific functions including differentiation, integration and logic functions.

The new version of Extcalc comes with improved features for the management of graphs. It also includes new, faster parser algorithms for Extcalc and Concalc and some minor bugfixes.

Posted by rainer 2008-08-13

Extcalc v0.9.1 available

Extcalc is a multifunctional scientific graphic calculator for linux with features like graph drawing, graph analysis and calculating scientific functions including differentiation, integration and logic functions.

The second beta release comes with some improved functions and new features.
The changes mainly affect graph drawing, help, internationalization and the user interface.

Logic expressions and script commands can be used to draw graphs and functions for
graph drawing can be exported an imported.
A list with constants and conversation factors has been added.

Posted by rainer 2008-03-10

Extcalc 0.9.0 beta released

Extcalc is a multifunctional scientific graphic calculator for linux with features like graph drawing, graph analysis and calculating scientific functions including differentiation, integration and logic functions.

In this release version 0.9.0 of Extcalc, the user interface has been redesigned.
The program has been translated into french and the console version calc has been renamed to concalc.

In this version, all major features have been added, but when you still miss something in Extcalc or when you find a bug, please have a look at the project home page

Posted by rainer 2007-10-11

Extcalc 0.8.5 released

New versions of Extcalc and Calc are now available.
The new version of Extcalc includes functions for statistical analysis and approximation. With this functions, all main features are now included in Extcalc.

Posted by rainer 2007-06-09

Extcalc and Calc v0.8.0 released

The new version includes lots of new features.
In this version, a new window for matrix and vector calculation has been included.
Support for complex functions has been added to the tables window.
The script interpreter now supports usage of files and 3D graphics programming.

Posted by rainer 2007-04-25

Extcalc 0.7.0 released

The new versions of the Extcalc scientific calculator and of the console version Calc are available. The new release includes full support for complex numbers. The script editor of Extcalc has been redesigned and includes some example code.

Posted by rainer 2007-03-10

Extcalc version 0.6.5 avialable

The files of the new Extcalc release 0.6.5 are available for downloading. This version supports calculation with complex numbers, complex function graphs and some new features to control graph analysis precision and performance.

Posted by rainer 2007-01-02

New Release v0.6.0

Extcalc v0.6.0 is now available for downloading.
This release includes improved graph drawing and analysis functions. Source and binary packages are available.

Posted by rainer 2006-10-21

Release 0.5.0

Extcalc v0.5.0 and Calc v0.5.0 are available for download now. Both programs include the nearly completed scripting language and lots of bugfixes.

Posted by rainer 2006-09-03

Subversion available

From now on, the project code is also available for Subversion. The first versions available are Extcalc 0.5.0 and Calc 0.4.5.
For usage informations please look at the download page of the project homepage or read the docs of Sourceforge.

Posted by rainer 2006-08-24

New Extcalc and Calc release

Extcalc 0.4.5 and Calc 0.4.5 are out now. Extcalc is now a programmable calculator. It runs scripts written in a C-like programming language. Calc v0.4.5 also supports this scripts.

Posted by rainer 2006-06-05