
Oracle Event 10046 Trace Profiler / News: Recent posts

initial revision of libetscan ...

initial revision of libetscan. created from test_etscan 1.14;

- Modul supports grammer for UNIX/Linux generated Oracle extended trace event 10046 file.

- not the whole file is scanned but always a section (WAIT, STAT, PARSE, ...) of it
this helps to scan big files without getting out of memory.

- Scanning grammar is implemented with the sophisticated objectoriented
parser modul pyparsing.

- libetprof does not read a trace file, it gets the trace sections via multiline strings from the modul libetread... read more

Posted by Carl Reitschuster 2004-09-18

Init of etprof

Thanks to sourceforge first which enables a very nice environment for developing open source projects.

We are now in conceptual phase, and will do everything step by step.


Posted by Carl Reitschuster 2004-07-02