
Error when uploading averaged files with v. 243

  • Jordant

    Jordant - 2014-05-20

    Hi Dr. Dien,

    First of all, thank you for a very helpful and easy-to-use PCA program.

    Recently, I downloaded the new version of your program (v.243) as I was running into a rounding error which you addressed recently. Upon dling the new version, however, I was no longer able to read in .ept files created by averaging single-trial .set files (which I averaged using this new version). Instead, I get this error:

    "Undefined function or variable "hdr".

    Error in ep_readData (line 3161)
    Error in ep (line 2581)

    Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback"

    I've done my best to ensure that this is not a user-error, including re-installing the old version and making sure the same procedure worked in that version - which it did. I also tried reading in an averaged .ept file made using v. 241, which produced the same error.

    I am using eeglab v. 11.04.3b and the latest version of fieldtrip - I've followed instructions from the tutorial regarding its installation/configuration.

    Is it possible the latest update somehow interfered with the ability to read in .ept files? In case its relevant, I get a similar error message when trying to average .ept files.


    • Joe Dien

      Joe Dien - 2014-05-20

      Yeah, that’s a scenario I hadn’t considered when I made the latest changes (an .ept file that did not come with the 3D electrode coordinates already included). Could you send me a copy of your file so I can make a fix? I can send you a Box address offline if needed (send me your e-mail directly so spammers don’t get ahold of it).

      Sorry for the trouble!


      On May 20, 2014, at 9:17 AM, Jordant wrote:

      Hi Dr. Dien,

      First of all, thank you for a very helpful and easy-to-use PCA program.

      Recently, I downloaded the new version of your program (v.243) as I was running into a rounding error which you addressed recently. Upon dling the new version, however, I was no longer able to read in .ept files created by averaging single-trial .set files (which I averaged using this new version). Instead, I get this error:

      "Undefined function or variable "hdr".

      Error in ep_readData (line 3161)
      Error in ep (line 2581)

      Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback"

      I've done my best to ensure that this is not a user-error, including re-installing the old version and making sure the same procedure worked in that version - which it did. I also tried reading in an averaged .ept file made using v. 241, which produced the same error.

      I am using eeglab v. 11.04.3b and the latest version of fieldtrip - I've followed instructions from the tutorial regarding its installation/configuration.

      Is it possible the latest update somehow interfered with the ability to read in .ept files? In case its relevant, I get a similar error message when trying to average .ept files.


      Error when uploading averaged files with v. 243

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      Joseph Dien,
      Senior Research Scientist
      Maryland Neuroimaging Center
      University of Maryland

      Phone: 202-297-8117

      • Jordant

        Jordant - 2014-05-21

        Hi Joe,

        Thanks for your quick reply. I've now sent you an email with the file attached. Let me know if you need anything else.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2014-05-22

    Okay, I've fixed the bug for the next release. For now, the issue is that the thing about your file that caused the bug to trigger is that there are no values in the theta column of your electrode coordinates. The rest are there. Do you have any idea how this happened and how to fix it? Otherwise it'll cause you a variety of problems.

  • Jordant

    Jordant - 2014-05-22

    Hi Joe - thanks for looking into this. Regarding your question, I thought the problem might stem from our procedure in EEGLAB which stores .fdt files separately from .set files (this is an optional setting). In other words, it could have been that the averaging procedure in EP expect that both sorts of information were merged into .set files? However, I changed the options for pop_saveset in EEGLAB to save all this info into the .set file. I'm still getting the same error message as before. If you have any other thoughts on what might be driving this error (lack of theta values), I'd greatly appreciate it!


    Last edit: Jordant 2014-05-22
  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2014-05-22

    Yeah, that shouldn't be an issue. How did you handle the electrode coordinates in EEGlab? Do you have a .ced file? There might have been a problem with it. Could you send me the original eeglab file and whatever you used to provide it with electrode coordinates?

  • Jordant

    Jordant - 2014-05-22

    Hi Joe - I've now sent you an email with the requested attachments/info. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2014-05-22

    It looks like a problem with your ced file. It appears that the columns are offset by one, resulting in a blank column for your theta values. It also means that anything having to do with electrode location will have the wrong values. My suggestion is to fix the ced file and then redo your file manipulations. How was this ced file generated? Does this reflect a bug in the eeglab software? They just fixed one bug that I had reported. Perhaps this means there is another bug in there?

  • Jordant

    Jordant - 2014-05-23

    Hi Joe,

    OK - this may have been particular to the .ced file I sent you, rather than reflecting an error within EEGlab. I'm looking into this and will likely send you an alternative .ced file soon that is true to the one we use. In other words, I'm not sure the one we use in EEGlab has the same error as the exported version I sent you. Be in touch soon. Thanks!


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