
Erica / News: Recent posts

Help Needed! :)

To any one who is interested, I still need atleast 4 more developers (php/perl/html) who are interested in helping with the Erica OS project. If interested please email me at

Posted by Nick Mercer 2002-07-08

Web Site... now up and running :)

I would like to thank Mike Johnston for getting the Erica OS web site up and running. Thanks Mike, and I'm looking forward to having you on the team.
Everyone check out the new site... It should be somewhat fully functional with information and everything by this coming Friday.

Posted by Nick Mercer 2002-07-08

Temp Home Page

I should have a new temporary home page up and running by tomorrow afternoon... Like I said this is a "temp site" so all info is not going to be on there... The full site should be on there by next Friday.

Posted by Nick Mercer 2002-07-05

Mailing List

Mailing List For The Following Subjects Have Been Added:
Please join and share your knowledge with the erica os development team.

Posted by Nick Mercer 2002-07-05

Erica OS News...

Erica OS has been put of for a while due to all my other projects.. I'm now getting ready to start it :) For those of you interested in helping with this project email me at:

Posted by Nick Mercer 2002-07-04